rt_raster | rt_raster_new (uint32_t width, uint32_t height) |
| Construct a raster with given dimensions. More...
void | rt_raster_destroy (rt_raster raster) |
| Release memory associated to a raster. More...
static void | _rt_raster_geotransform_warn_offline_band (rt_raster raster) |
uint16_t | rt_raster_get_width (rt_raster raster) |
uint16_t | rt_raster_get_height (rt_raster raster) |
void | rt_raster_set_scale (rt_raster raster, double scaleX, double scaleY) |
| Set scale in projection units. More...
double | rt_raster_get_x_scale (rt_raster raster) |
| Get scale X in projection units. More...
double | rt_raster_get_y_scale (rt_raster raster) |
| Get scale Y in projection units. More...
void | rt_raster_set_skews (rt_raster raster, double skewX, double skewY) |
| Set skews about the X and Y axis. More...
double | rt_raster_get_x_skew (rt_raster raster) |
| Get skew about the X axis. More...
double | rt_raster_get_y_skew (rt_raster raster) |
| Get skew about the Y axis. More...
void | rt_raster_set_offsets (rt_raster raster, double x, double y) |
| Set insertion points in projection units. More...
double | rt_raster_get_x_offset (rt_raster raster) |
| Get raster x offset, in projection units. More...
double | rt_raster_get_y_offset (rt_raster raster) |
| Get raster y offset, in projection units. More...
void | rt_raster_get_phys_params (rt_raster rast, double *i_mag, double *j_mag, double *theta_i, double *theta_ij) |
| Calculates and returns the physically significant descriptors embodied in the geotransform attached to the provided raster. More...
void | rt_raster_calc_phys_params (double xscale, double xskew, double yskew, double yscale, double *i_mag, double *j_mag, double *theta_i, double *theta_ij) |
| Calculates the physically significant descriptors embodied in an arbitrary geotransform. More...
void | rt_raster_set_phys_params (rt_raster rast, double i_mag, double j_mag, double theta_i, double theta_ij) |
| Calculates the geotransform coefficients and applies them to the supplied raster. More...
int | rt_raster_calc_gt_coeff (double i_mag, double j_mag, double theta_i, double theta_ij, double *xscale, double *xskew, double *yskew, double *yscale) |
| Calculates the coefficients of a geotransform given the physically significant parameters describing the transform. More...
int32_t | rt_raster_get_srid (rt_raster raster) |
| Get raster's SRID. More...
void | rt_raster_set_srid (rt_raster raster, int32_t srid) |
| Set raster's SRID. More...
uint16_t | rt_raster_get_num_bands (rt_raster raster) |
rt_band | rt_raster_get_band (rt_raster raster, int n) |
| Return Nth band, or NULL if unavailable. More...
int | rt_raster_add_band (rt_raster raster, rt_band band, int index) |
| Add band data to a raster. More...
int | rt_raster_generate_new_band (rt_raster raster, rt_pixtype pixtype, double initialvalue, uint32_t hasnodata, double nodatavalue, int index) |
| Generate a new inline band and add it to a raster. More...
rt_errorstate | rt_raster_get_inverse_geotransform_matrix (rt_raster raster, double *gt, double *igt) |
| Get 6-element array of raster inverse geotransform matrix. More...
void | rt_raster_get_geotransform_matrix (rt_raster raster, double *gt) |
| Get 6-element array of raster geotransform matrix. More...
void | rt_raster_set_geotransform_matrix (rt_raster raster, double *gt) |
| Set raster's geotransform using 6-element array. More...
rt_errorstate | rt_raster_cell_to_geopoint (rt_raster raster, double xr, double yr, double *xw, double *yw, double *gt) |
| Convert an xr, yr raster point to an xw, yw point on map. More...
rt_errorstate | rt_raster_geopoint_to_cell (rt_raster raster, double xw, double yw, double *xr, double *yr, double *igt) |
| Convert an xw,yw map point to a xr,yr cell coordinate. More...
rt_errorstate | rt_raster_geopoint_to_rasterpoint (rt_raster raster, double xw, double yw, double *xr, double *yr, double *igt) |
| Convert an xw,yw map point to a xr,yr raster point. More...
rt_errorstate | rt_raster_get_envelope (rt_raster raster, rt_envelope *env) |
| Get raster's envelope. More...
rt_raster | rt_raster_compute_skewed_raster (rt_envelope extent, double *skew, double *scale, double tolerance) |
int | rt_raster_is_empty (rt_raster raster) |
| Return TRUE if the raster is empty. More...
int | rt_raster_has_band (rt_raster raster, int nband) |
| Return TRUE if the raster has a band of this number. More...
int | rt_raster_copy_band (rt_raster torast, rt_raster fromrast, int fromindex, int toindex) |
| Copy one band from one raster to another. More...
rt_raster | rt_raster_from_band (rt_raster raster, uint32_t *bandNums, int count) |
| Construct a new rt_raster from an existing rt_raster and an array of band numbers. More...
rt_band | rt_raster_replace_band (rt_raster raster, rt_band band, int index) |
| Replace band at provided index with new band. More...
rt_raster | rt_raster_clone (rt_raster raster, uint8_t deep) |
| Clone an existing raster. More...
rt_errorstate | rt_raster_copy_to_geometry (rt_raster raster, uint32_t bandnum, char dim, rt_resample_type resample, const LWGEOM *lwgeom_in, LWGEOM **lwgeom_out) |
| Copy values from a raster to the points on a geometry using the requested interpolation type. More...
uint8_t * | rt_raster_to_gdal (rt_raster raster, const char *srs, char *format, char **options, uint64_t *gdalsize) |
| Return formatted GDAL raster from raster. More...
rt_gdaldriver | rt_raster_gdal_drivers (uint32_t *drv_count, uint8_t can_write) |
| Returns a set of available GDAL drivers. More...
GDALDatasetH | rt_raster_to_gdal_mem (rt_raster raster, const char *srs, uint32_t *bandNums, int *excludeNodataValues, int count, GDALDriverH *rtn_drv, int *destroy_rtn_drv) |
| Return GDAL dataset using GDAL MEM driver from raster. More...
rt_raster | rt_raster_from_gdal_dataset (GDALDatasetH ds) |
| Return a raster from a GDAL dataset. More...
static _rti_rasterize_arg | _rti_rasterize_arg_init () |
static void | _rti_rasterize_arg_destroy (_rti_rasterize_arg arg) |
rt_raster | rt_raster_gdal_rasterize (const unsigned char *wkb, uint32_t wkb_len, const char *srs, uint32_t num_bands, rt_pixtype *pixtype, double *init, double *value, double *nodata, uint8_t *hasnodata, int *width, int *height, double *scale_x, double *scale_y, double *ul_xw, double *ul_yw, double *grid_xw, double *grid_yw, double *skew_x, double *skew_y, char **options) |
| Return a raster of the provided geometry. More...
rt_errorstate | rt_raster_from_two_rasters (rt_raster rast1, rt_raster rast2, rt_extenttype extenttype, rt_raster *rtnraster, double *offset) |