51 if ( circ_cache->
index )
54 circ_cache->
index = 0;
59 circ_cache->
index = tree;
67 if ( circ_cache->
index )
70 circ_cache->
index = 0;
71 circ_cache->
gcache.argnum = 0;
81 return (GeomCache*)cache;
"tree1_type=%d", tree1_type);
"tree is a polygon, using tree PiP");
"unable to read gbox from gserialized, calculating from scratch");
"in_point3d is not inside the tree gbox, CircTreePIP returning FALSE");
136 pt2d_inside.
x = in_point->
137 pt2d_inside.
y = in_point->
141 lwpgerror(
"%s: Unable to generate outside point!", __func__);
"p2d_inside=POINT(%g %g) p2d_outside=POINT(%g %g)", pt2d_inside.
x, pt2d_inside.
y, pt2d_outside.
x, pt2d_outside.
"calling circ_tree_contains_point for PiP test");
"tree1 not polygonal, so CircTreePIP returning FALSE");
180 if ( tree_cache && tree_cache->
gcache.argnum && tree_cache->
index )
192 if ( tree_cache->
gcache.argnum == 1 )
196 geomtype_cached = type1;
199 else if ( tree_cache->
gcache.argnum == 2 )
203 geomtype_cached = type2;
208 lwpgerror(
"geography_distance_cache this cannot happen!");
216 if (
CircTreePIP(circtree_cached, g_cached, &p4d) )
int gbox_contains_point3d(const GBOX *gbox, const POINT3D *pt)
Return true if the point is inside the gbox.
static GeomCache * CircTreeAllocator(void)
static CircTreeGeomCache * GetCircTreeGeomCache(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo, const GSERIALIZED *g1, const GSERIALIZED *g2)
int geography_dwithin_cache(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo, const GSERIALIZED *g1, const GSERIALIZED *g2, const SPHEROID *s, double tolerance, int *dwithin)
static GeomCacheMethods CircTreeCacheMethods
static int CircTreeFreer(GeomCache *cache)
int geography_tree_distance(const GSERIALIZED *g1, const GSERIALIZED *g2, const SPHEROID *s, double tolerance, double *distance)
static int geography_distance_cache_tolerance(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo, const GSERIALIZED *g1, const GSERIALIZED *g2, const SPHEROID *s, double tolerance, double *distance)
int geography_distance_cache(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo, const GSERIALIZED *g1, const GSERIALIZED *g2, const SPHEROID *s, double *distance)
static int CircTreePIP(const CIRC_NODE *tree1, const GSERIALIZED *g1, const POINT4D *in_point)
static int CircTreeBuilder(const LWGEOM *lwgeom, GeomCache *cache)
Builder, freeer and public accessor for cached CIRC_NODE trees.
int gserialized_get_gbox_p(const GSERIALIZED *g, GBOX *gbox)
Read the box from the GSERIALIZED or calculate it if necessary.
LWGEOM * lwgeom_from_gserialized(const GSERIALIZED *g)
Allocate a new LWGEOM from a GSERIALIZED.
uint32_t gserialized_get_type(const GSERIALIZED *g)
Extract the geometry type from the serialized form (it hides in the anonymous data area,...
int lwgeom_startpoint(const LWGEOM *lwgeom, POINT4D *pt)
void lwgeom_free(LWGEOM *geom)
int gbox_pt_outside(const GBOX *gbox, POINT2D *pt_outside)
Calculate a spherical point that falls outside the geocentric gbox.
int lwgeom_calculate_gbox_geodetic(const LWGEOM *geom, GBOX *gbox)
Calculate the geodetic bounding box for an LWGEOM.
LWTYPE numbers, used internally by PostGIS.
#define LW_TRUE
Return types for functions with status returns.
Floating point comparators.
void geographic_point_init(double lon, double lat, GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *g)
Initialize a geographic point.
void geog2cart(const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *g, POINT3D *p)
Convert spherical coordinates to cartesian coordinates on unit sphere.
double circ_tree_distance_tree(const CIRC_NODE *n1, const CIRC_NODE *n2, const SPHEROID *spheroid, double threshold)
int circ_tree_get_point(const CIRC_NODE *node, POINT2D *pt)
Returns a POINT2D that is a vertex of the input shape.
void circ_tree_free(CIRC_NODE *node)
Recurse from top of node tree and free all children.
CIRC_NODE * lwgeom_calculate_circ_tree(const LWGEOM *lwgeom)
int circ_tree_get_point_outside(const CIRC_NODE *node, POINT2D *pt)
int circ_tree_contains_point(const CIRC_NODE *node, const POINT2D *pt, const POINT2D *pt_outside, int level, int *on_boundary)
Walk the tree and count intersections between the stab line and the edges.
static double distance(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
Point in spherical coordinates on the world.
Note that p1 and p2 are pointers into an independent POINTARRAY, do not free them.