PostGIS 3.4.0
The PostGIS Team is pleased to release PostGIS 3.4.0! This version works with versions PostgreSQL 12-16, GEOS 3.6 or higher, and Proj 6.1+. To take advantage of all features, GEOS 3.12+ is needed. To take advantage of all SFCGAL features, SFCGAL 1.4.1+ is needed.
This release is a major release, it includes bug fixes since PostGIS 3.3.4 and new features.
Many thanks to our translation teams, in particular:
Teramoto Ikuhiro (Japanese Team) Vincent Bre (French Team)
There are 2 new ./configure switches:
- –disable-extension-upgrades-install, will skip installing all the extension upgrade scripts except for the ANY–currentversion. If you use this, you can install select upgrades using the postgis commandline tool
- –without-pgconfig, will build just the commandline tools raster2pgsql and shp2pgsql even if PostgreSQL is not installed
- #5055, complete manual internationalization (Sandro Santilli)
- #5052, target version support in postgis_extensions_upgrade (Sandro Santilli)
- #5306, expose version of GEOS at compile time (Sandro Santilli)
- New install-extension-upgrades command in postgis script (Sandro Santilli)
- #5257, #5261, #5277, Support changes for PostgreSQL 16 (Regina Obe)
- #5006, GH705, ST_Transform: Support PROJ pipelines (Robert Coup, Koordinates)
- #5283, [postgis_topology] RenameTopology (Sandro Santilli)
- #5286, [postgis_topology] RenameTopoGeometryColumn (Sandro Santilli)
- GH703, [postgis_raster] Add min/max resampling as options (Christian Schroeder)
- #5336, [postgis_topology] topogeometry cast to topoelement support (Regina Obe)
- Allow singleton geometry to be inserted into Geometry(Multi*) columns (Paul Ramsey)
- GH721, New window-based ST_ClusterWithinWin and ST_ClusterIntersectingWin (Paul Ramsey)
- #5397, [address_standardizer] debug_standardize_address function (Regina Obe)
- #5373, ST_LargestEmptyCircle, exposes extra semantics on circle finding Requires GEOS 3.9+ (Martin Davis)
- #5267, ST_Project signature for geometry, and two-point signature (Paul Ramsey)
- #5267, ST_LineExtend for extending linestrings (Paul Ramsey)
- #5194, do not update system catalogs from postgis_extensions_upgrade (Sandro Santilli)
- #5092, reduce number of upgrade paths installed on system (Sandro Santilli)
- #635, honour –bindir (and –prefix) configure switch for executables (Sandro Santilli)
- Honour –mandir (and –prefix) configure switch for man pages install path (Sandro Santilli)
- Honour –htmldir (and –docdir and –prefix) configure switch for html pages install path (Sandro Santilli)
- [postgis_topology] Speed up check of topology faces without edges (Sandro Santilli)
- [postgis_topology] Speed up coincident nodes check in topology validation (Sandro Santilli)
- GH718, ST_QuantizeCoordinates(): speed-up implementation (Even Rouault)
- Repair spatial planner stats to use computed selectivity for contains/within queries (Paul Ramsey)
- GH734, Additional metadata on Proj installation in postgis_proj_version (Paul Ramsey)
- #5177, allow building tools without PostgreSQL server headers (Sandro Santilli)
- ST_Project signature for geometry, and two-point signature (Paul Ramsey)
- #4913, ST_AsSVG support for curve types CircularString, CompoundCurve, MultiCurve, and MultiSurface (Regina Obe)
- #5266, ST_ClosestPoint, ST_ShortestLine support for geography type (MobilityDB Esteban Zimanyi, Paul Ramsey)
#5229, Drop support for Proj < 6.1 and PG 11 (Regina Obe)
#5306, GH734, postgis_full_version() and postgis_proj_version() now output more information about proj network configuration and data paths. GEOS compile-time version also shown if different from run-time (Paul Ramsey, Sandro Santilli)
#5447, renamed to postgis_restore (Sandro Santilli)
Utilities now installed in OS bin or user specified –bindir and –prefix instead of postgresql bin and extension stripped except on windows (postgis, postgis_restore, shp2pgsql, raster2pgsql, pgsql2shp, pgtopo_import, pgtopo_export)
After installing the binaries or after running pg_upgrade:
For PostGIS 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0 do below which will upgrade all your postgis extensions.
SELECT postgis_extensions_upgrade();
For PostGIS 2.5 and below do:
SELECT postgis_extensions_upgrade();
SELECT postgis_extensions_upgrade();
If you come across any issues, feel free to report via our ticket tracker or mailing list with details
View all tickets for 3.4.0 milestone.