CG_StraightSkeletonPartition — Computes the straight skeleton partition of a polygon.
geometry CG_StraightSkeletonPartition(
geometry geom, boolean auto_orientation)
Computes the straight skeleton partition of the input polygon geometry geom
. The straight skeleton is a partitioning of the polygon into faces formed by tracing the collapse of its edges. If auto_orientation
is set to true, the function will automatically adjust the orientation of the input polygon to ensure correct results.
Availability: 3.6.0 - requires SFCGAL >= 2.0.0.
SELECT ST_AsText(CG_StraightSkeletonPartition('POLYGON((0 0, 4 0, 2 2, 0 0))', true)); -- Result: MULTIPOLYGON(((0 0,2 0.83,2 2)),((4 0,2 0.83,0 0)),((2 2,2 0.83,4 0)))