Datum | box2df_out (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) |
Datum | box2df_in (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) |
Datum | gserialized_gist_consistent_2d (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) |
Datum | gserialized_gist_compress_2d (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) |
Datum | gserialized_gist_decompress_2d (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) |
Datum | gserialized_gist_penalty_2d (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) |
Datum | gserialized_gist_picksplit_2d (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) |
Datum | gserialized_gist_union_2d (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) |
Datum | gserialized_gist_same_2d (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) |
Datum | gserialized_gist_distance_2d (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) |
Datum | gserialized_gist_sortsupport_2d (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) |
Datum | gserialized_same_2d (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) |
Datum | gserialized_within_2d (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) |
Datum | gserialized_contains_2d (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) |
Datum | gserialized_overlaps_2d (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) |
Datum | gserialized_left_2d (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) |
Datum | gserialized_right_2d (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) |
Datum | gserialized_above_2d (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) |
Datum | gserialized_below_2d (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) |
Datum | gserialized_overleft_2d (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) |
Datum | gserialized_overright_2d (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) |
Datum | gserialized_overabove_2d (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) |
Datum | gserialized_overbelow_2d (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) |
Datum | gserialized_distance_box_2d (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) |
Datum | gserialized_distance_centroid_2d (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) |
Datum | gserialized_contains_box2df_geom_2d (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) |
Datum | gserialized_contains_box2df_box2df_2d (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) |
Datum | gserialized_within_box2df_geom_2d (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) |
Datum | gserialized_within_box2df_box2df_2d (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) |
Datum | gserialized_overlaps_box2df_geom_2d (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) |
Datum | gserialized_overlaps_box2df_box2df_2d (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) |
static char * | box2df_to_string (const BOX2DF *a) |
BOX2DF * | box2df_copy (BOX2DF *b) |
bool | box2df_is_empty (const BOX2DF *a) |
void | box2df_set_empty (BOX2DF *a) |
void | box2df_set_finite (BOX2DF *a) |
void | box2df_merge (BOX2DF *b_union, BOX2DF *b_new) |
static int | box2df_from_gbox_p (GBOX *box, BOX2DF *a) |
int | box2df_to_gbox_p (BOX2DF *a, GBOX *box) |
void | box2df_validate (BOX2DF *b) |
bool | box2df_overlaps (const BOX2DF *a, const BOX2DF *b) |
bool | box2df_contains (const BOX2DF *a, const BOX2DF *b) |
static bool | box2df_within (const BOX2DF *a, const BOX2DF *b) |
bool | box2df_equals (const BOX2DF *a, const BOX2DF *b) |
bool | box2df_overleft (const BOX2DF *a, const BOX2DF *b) |
bool | box2df_left (const BOX2DF *a, const BOX2DF *b) |
bool | box2df_right (const BOX2DF *a, const BOX2DF *b) |
bool | box2df_overright (const BOX2DF *a, const BOX2DF *b) |
bool | box2df_overbelow (const BOX2DF *a, const BOX2DF *b) |
bool | box2df_below (const BOX2DF *a, const BOX2DF *b) |
bool | box2df_above (const BOX2DF *a, const BOX2DF *b) |
bool | box2df_overabove (const BOX2DF *a, const BOX2DF *b) |
static double | box2df_distance_leaf_centroid (const BOX2DF *a, const BOX2DF *b) |
| Calculate the centroid->centroid distance between the boxes. More...
static double | pt_distance (double ax, double ay, double bx, double by) |
static double | box2df_distance (const BOX2DF *a, const BOX2DF *b) |
| Calculate the box->box distance. More...
static uint64_t | box2df_get_sortable_hash (const BOX2DF *b) |
int | gserialized_datum_get_internals_p (Datum gsdatum, GBOX *gbox, lwflags_t *flags, uint8_t *type, int32_t *srid) |
| Peak into a GSERIALIZED datum to find its bounding box and some other metadata. More...
int | gserialized_datum_get_gbox_p (Datum gsdatum, GBOX *gbox) |
| Given a GSERIALIZED datum, as quickly as possible (peaking into the top of the memory) return the gbox extents. More...
int | gserialized_datum_get_box2df_p (Datum gsdatum, BOX2DF *box2df) |
static int | gserialized_datum_predicate_2d (Datum gs1, Datum gs2, box2df_predicate predicate) |
| Support function. More...
static int | gserialized_datum_predicate_box2df_geom_2d (const BOX2DF *br1, Datum gs2, box2df_predicate predicate) |
| PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 (gserialized_contains_box2df_geom_2d) |
| PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 (gserialized_contains_box2df_box2df_2d) |
| PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 (gserialized_within_box2df_geom_2d) |
| PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 (gserialized_within_box2df_box2df_2d) |
| PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 (gserialized_overlaps_box2df_geom_2d) |
| PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 (gserialized_overlaps_box2df_box2df_2d) |
| PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 (gserialized_distance_centroid_2d) |
| PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 (gserialized_distance_box_2d) |
| PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 (gserialized_same_2d) |
| PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 (gserialized_within_2d) |
| PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 (gserialized_contains_2d) |
| PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 (gserialized_overlaps_2d) |
| PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 (gserialized_left_2d) |
| PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 (gserialized_right_2d) |
| PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 (gserialized_above_2d) |
| PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 (gserialized_below_2d) |
| PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 (gserialized_overleft_2d) |
| PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 (gserialized_overright_2d) |
| PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 (gserialized_overabove_2d) |
| PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 (gserialized_overbelow_2d) |
| PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 (gserialized_gist_compress_2d) |
| PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 (gserialized_gist_decompress_2d) |
static bool | gserialized_gist_consistent_leaf_2d (BOX2DF *key, BOX2DF *query, StrategyNumber strategy) |
static bool | gserialized_gist_consistent_internal_2d (BOX2DF *key, BOX2DF *query, StrategyNumber strategy) |
| PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 (gserialized_gist_consistent_2d) |
| PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 (gserialized_gist_distance_2d) |
static float | pack_float (const float value, const uint8_t realm) |
static float | box2df_penalty (const BOX2DF *b1, const BOX2DF *b2) |
| PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 (gserialized_gist_penalty_2d) |
| PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 (gserialized_gist_union_2d) |
| PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 (gserialized_gist_same_2d) |
static int | gserialized_gist_cmp_abbrev_2d (Datum x, Datum y, SortSupport ssup) |
static bool | gserialized_gist_abbrev_abort_2d (int memtupcount, SortSupport ssup) |
static Datum | gserialized_gist_abbrev_convert_2d (Datum original, SortSupport ssup) |
static int | gserialized_gist_cmp_full_2d (Datum a, Datum b, SortSupport ssup) |
| PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 (gserialized_gist_sortsupport_2d) |
static void | adjustBox (BOX2DF *b, BOX2DF *addon) |
static void | fallbackSplit (GistEntryVector *entryvec, GIST_SPLITVEC *v) |
static int | interval_cmp_lower (const void *i1, const void *i2) |
static int | interval_cmp_upper (const void *i1, const void *i2) |
static float | non_negative (float val) |
static void | g_box_consider_split (ConsiderSplitContext *context, int dimNum, float rightLower, int minLeftCount, float leftUpper, int maxLeftCount) |
static int | common_entry_cmp (const void *i1, const void *i2) |
| PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 (gserialized_gist_picksplit_2d) |
| PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 (box2df_in) |
| PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1 (box2df_out) |