PostGIS  3.4.0dev-r@@SVN_REVISION@@
rt_band.c File Reference
#include <stdio.h>
#include "librtcore.h"
#include "librtcore_internal.h"
#include "cpl_vsi.h"
#include "gdal_vrt.h"
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#define _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE   1


rt_band rt_band_new_inline (uint16_t width, uint16_t height, rt_pixtype pixtype, uint32_t hasnodata, double nodataval, uint8_t *data)
 Create an in-db rt_band with no data. More...
rt_band rt_band_new_offline (uint16_t width, uint16_t height, rt_pixtype pixtype, uint32_t hasnodata, double nodataval, uint8_t bandNum, const char *path)
 Create an out-db rt_band. More...
rt_band rt_band_new_offline_from_path (uint16_t width, uint16_t height, int hasnodata, double nodataval, uint8_t bandNum, const char *path, int force)
 Create an out-db rt_band from path. More...
rt_band rt_band_duplicate (rt_band band)
 Create a new band duplicated from source band. More...
int rt_band_is_offline (rt_band band)
 Return non-zero if the given band data is on the filesystem. More...
void rt_band_destroy (rt_band band)
 Destroy a raster band. More...
const char * rt_band_get_ext_path (rt_band band)
 Return band's external path (only valid when rt_band_is_offline returns non-zero). More...
rt_errorstate rt_band_get_ext_band_num (rt_band band, uint8_t *bandnum)
 Return bands' external band number (only valid when rt_band_is_offline returns non-zero). More...
void * rt_band_get_data (rt_band band)
 Get pointer to raster band data. More...
rt_errorstate rt_band_load_offline_data (rt_band band)
 Load offline band's data. More...
uint64_t rt_band_get_file_size (rt_band band)
 Return file size in bytes. More...
uint64_t rt_band_get_file_timestamp (rt_band band)
 Return file timestamp. More...
rt_pixtype rt_band_get_pixtype (rt_band band)
 Return pixeltype of this band. More...
uint16_t rt_band_get_width (rt_band band)
 Return width of this band. More...
uint16_t rt_band_get_height (rt_band band)
 Return height of this band. More...
int rt_band_get_ownsdata_flag (rt_band band)
 Return 0 (FALSE) or non-zero (TRUE) indicating if rt_band is responsible for managing the memory for band data. More...
void rt_band_set_ownsdata_flag (rt_band band, int flag)
int rt_band_get_hasnodata_flag (rt_band band)
 Get hasnodata flag value. More...
void rt_band_set_hasnodata_flag (rt_band band, int flag)
 Set hasnodata flag value. More...
rt_errorstate rt_band_set_isnodata_flag (rt_band band, int flag)
 Set isnodata flag value. More...
int rt_band_get_isnodata_flag (rt_band band)
 Get isnodata flag value. More...
rt_errorstate rt_band_set_nodata (rt_band band, double val, int *converted)
 Set nodata value. More...
rt_errorstate rt_band_set_pixel_line (rt_band band, int x, int y, void *vals, uint32_t len)
 Set values of multiple pixels. More...
rt_errorstate rt_band_set_pixel (rt_band band, int x, int y, double val, int *converted)
 Set single pixel's value. More...
rt_errorstate rt_band_get_pixel_line (rt_band band, int x, int y, uint16_t len, void **vals, uint16_t *nvals)
 Get values of multiple pixels. More...
rt_errorstate rt_band_get_pixel_resample (rt_band band, double xr, double yr, rt_resample_type resample, double *r_value, int *r_nodata)
 Retrieve a point value from the raster using a world coordinate and selected interpolation. More...
rt_errorstate rt_band_get_pixel_bilinear (rt_band band, double xr, double yr, double *r_value, int *r_nodata)
 Retrieve a point value from the raster using a world coordinate and bilinear interpolation. More...
rt_errorstate rt_band_get_pixel (rt_band band, int x, int y, double *value, int *nodata)
 Get pixel value. More...
uint32_t rt_band_get_nearest_pixel (rt_band band, int x, int y, uint16_t distancex, uint16_t distancey, int exclude_nodata_value, rt_pixel *npixels)
 Get nearest pixel(s) with value (not NODATA) to specified pixel. More...
int rt_band_get_pixel_of_value (rt_band band, int exclude_nodata_value, double *searchset, int searchcount, rt_pixel *pixels)
 Search band for pixel(s) with search values. More...
rt_errorstate rt_band_get_nodata (rt_band band, double *nodata)
 Get NODATA value. More...
double rt_band_get_min_value (rt_band band)
 Returns the minimal possible value for the band according to the pixel type. More...
int rt_band_check_is_nodata (rt_band band)
 Returns TRUE if the band is only nodata values. More...
int rt_band_clamped_value_is_nodata (rt_band band, double val)
 Compare clamped value to band's clamped NODATA value. More...
rt_errorstate rt_band_corrected_clamped_value (rt_band band, double val, double *newval, int *corrected)
 Correct value when clamped value is equal to clamped NODATA value. More...


bool enable_outdb_rasters = true