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Functions | |
static rt_errorstate | _rti_raster_get_band_perimeter (rt_band band, uint16_t *trim) |
rt_errorstate | rt_raster_get_perimeter (rt_raster raster, int nband, LWGEOM **perimeter) |
Get raster perimeter. More... | |
rt_errorstate | rt_raster_surface (rt_raster raster, int nband, LWMPOLY **surface) |
Get a raster as a surface (multipolygon). More... | |
LWPOLY * | rt_raster_pixel_as_polygon (rt_raster rast, int x, int y) |
Get a raster pixel as a polygon. More... | |
LWPOINT * | rt_raster_pixel_as_centroid_point (rt_raster rast, int x, int y) |
Get a raster pixel centroid point. More... | |
rt_errorstate | rt_raster_get_envelope_geom (rt_raster raster, LWGEOM **env) |
Get raster's envelope as a geometry. More... | |
rt_errorstate | rt_raster_get_convex_hull (rt_raster raster, LWGEOM **hull) |
Get raster's convex hull. More... | |
rt_geomval | rt_raster_gdal_polygonize (rt_raster raster, int nband, int exclude_nodata_value, int *pnElements) |
Returns a set of "geomval" value, one for each group of pixel sharing the same value for the provided band. More... | |