27 #define _MEASURES3D_H 1
31 #define DOT(u, v) ((u).x * (v).x + (u).y * (v).y + (u).z * (v).z)
32 #define VECTORLENGTH(v) sqrt(((v).x * (v).x) + ((v).y * (v).y) + ((v).z * (v).z))
int lw_dist3d_pt_tri(POINT3DZ *p, LWTRIANGLE *tri, PLANE3D *plane, POINT3DZ *projp, DISTPTS3D *dl)
int pt_in_ring_3d(const POINT3DZ *p, const POINTARRAY *ring, PLANE3D *plane)
pt_in_ring_3d(): crossing number test for a point in a polygon input: p = a point,...
int lw_dist3d_pt_ptarray(POINT3DZ *p, POINTARRAY *pa, DISTPTS3D *dl)
search all the segments of pointarray to see which one is closest to p Returns distance between point...
int lw_dist3d_line_tri(LWLINE *line, LWTRIANGLE *tri, DISTPTS3D *dl)
line to triangle calculation
int lw_dist3d_pt_pt(POINT3DZ *p1, POINT3DZ *p2, DISTPTS3D *dl)
Compares incoming points and stores the points closest to each other or most far away from each other...
int lw_dist3d_tri_tri(LWTRIANGLE *tri1, LWTRIANGLE *tri2, DISTPTS3D *dl)
triangle to triangle calculation
int lw_dist3d_point_point(LWPOINT *point1, LWPOINT *point2, DISTPTS3D *dl)
point to point calculation
int define_plane(POINTARRAY *pa, PLANE3D *pl)
int lw_dist3d_distribute_bruteforce(const LWGEOM *lwg1, const LWGEOM *lwg2, DISTPTS3D *dl)
This function distributes the brute-force for 3D so far the only type, tasks depending on type.
int lw_dist3d_point_tri(LWPOINT *point, LWTRIANGLE *tri, DISTPTS3D *dl)
int lw_dist3d_pt_poly(POINT3DZ *p, LWPOLY *poly, PLANE3D *plane, POINT3DZ *projp, DISTPTS3D *dl)
Checking if the point projected on the plane of the polygon actually is inside that polygon.
int lw_dist3d_poly_tri(LWPOLY *poly, LWTRIANGLE *tri, DISTPTS3D *dl)
polygon to triangle calculation
int lw_dist3d_pt_seg(POINT3DZ *p, POINT3DZ *A, POINT3DZ *B, DISTPTS3D *dl)
If searching for min distance, this one finds the closest point on segment A-B from p.
int lw_dist3d_distribute_fast(const LWGEOM *lwg1, const LWGEOM *lwg2, DISTPTS3D *dl)
int lw_dist3d_poly_poly(LWPOLY *poly1, LWPOLY *poly2, DISTPTS3D *dl)
polygon to polygon calculation
int lw_dist3d_ptarray_tri(POINTARRAY *pa, LWTRIANGLE *tri, PLANE3D *plane, DISTPTS3D *dl)
Computes pointarray to triangle distance.
int lw_dist3d_line_line(LWLINE *line1, LWLINE *line2, DISTPTS3D *dl)
line to line calculation
LWGEOM * lw_dist3d_distancepoint(const LWGEOM *lw1, const LWGEOM *lw2, int32_t srid, int mode)
Function initializing 3dclosestpoint calculations.
int lw_dist3d_ptarray_poly(POINTARRAY *pa, LWPOLY *poly, PLANE3D *plane, DISTPTS3D *dl)
Computes pointarray to polygon distance.
LWGEOM * lw_dist3d_distanceline(const LWGEOM *lw1, const LWGEOM *lw2, int32_t srid, int mode)
Function initializing 3dshortestline and 3dlongestline calculations.
int lw_dist3d_point_poly(LWPOINT *point, LWPOLY *poly, DISTPTS3D *dl)
Computes point to polygon distance For mindistance that means: 1) find the plane of the polygon 2) pr...
int lw_dist3d_point_line(LWPOINT *point, LWLINE *line, DISTPTS3D *dl)
point to line calculation
double project_point_on_plane(POINT3DZ *p, PLANE3D *pl, POINT3DZ *p0)
Finds a point on a plane from where the original point is perpendicular to the plane.
int lw_dist3d_line_poly(LWLINE *line, LWPOLY *poly, DISTPTS3D *dl)
line to polygon calculation
int lw_dist3d_recursive(const LWGEOM *lwg1, const LWGEOM *lwg2, DISTPTS3D *dl)
This is a recursive function delivering every possible combination of subgeometries.
int lw_dist3d_seg_seg(POINT3DZ *A, POINT3DZ *B, POINT3DZ *C, POINT3DZ *D, DISTPTS3D *dl)
Finds the two closest points on two linesegments.
int lw_dist3d_ptarray_ptarray(POINTARRAY *l1, POINTARRAY *l2, DISTPTS3D *dl)
Finds all combinations of segments between two pointarrays.
Structure used in distance-calculations.