static CIRC_NODE * | circ_nodes_merge (CIRC_NODE **nodes, int num_nodes) |
static double | circ_tree_distance_tree_internal (const CIRC_NODE *n1, const CIRC_NODE *n2, double threshold, double *min_dist, double *max_dist, GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *closest1, GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *closest2) |
static int | circ_node_is_leaf (const CIRC_NODE *node) |
| Internal nodes have their point references set to NULL. More...
void | circ_tree_free (CIRC_NODE *node) |
| Recurse from top of node tree and free all children. More...
static CIRC_NODE * | circ_node_leaf_new (const POINTARRAY *pa, int i) |
| Create a new leaf node, storing pointers back to the end points for later. More...
static CIRC_NODE * | circ_node_leaf_point_new (const POINTARRAY *pa) |
| Return a point node (zero radius, referencing one point) More...
static int | circ_node_compare (const void *v1, const void *v2) |
| Comparing on geohash ensures that nearby nodes will be close to each other in the list. More...
static int | circ_center_spherical (const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *c1, const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *c2, double distance, double offset, GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *center) |
| Given the centers of two circles, and the offset distance we want to put the new center between them (calculated as the distance implied by the radii of the inputs and the distance between the centers) figure out where the new center point is, by getting the direction from c1 to c2 and projecting from c1 in that direction by the offset distance. More...
static int | circ_center_cartesian (const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *c1, const GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *c2, double distance, double offset, GEOGRAPHIC_POINT *center) |
| Where the circ_center_spherical() function fails, we need a fall-back. More...
static CIRC_NODE * | circ_node_internal_new (CIRC_NODE **c, uint32_t num_nodes) |
| Create a new internal node, calculating the new measure range for the node, and storing pointers to the child nodes. More...
CIRC_NODE * | circ_tree_new (const POINTARRAY *pa) |
| Build a tree of nodes from a point array, one node per edge. More...
static void | circ_nodes_sort (CIRC_NODE **nodes, int num_nodes) |
| Given a list of nodes, sort them into a spatially consistent order, then pairwise merge them up into a tree. More...
int | circ_tree_get_point (const CIRC_NODE *node, POINT2D *pt) |
| Returns a POINT2D that is a vertex of the input shape. More...
int | circ_tree_get_point_outside (const CIRC_NODE *node, POINT2D *pt) |
int | circ_tree_contains_point (const CIRC_NODE *node, const POINT2D *pt, const POINT2D *pt_outside, int level, int *on_boundary) |
| Walk the tree and count intersections between the stab line and the edges. More...
static double | circ_node_min_distance (const CIRC_NODE *n1, const CIRC_NODE *n2) |
static double | circ_node_max_distance (const CIRC_NODE *n1, const CIRC_NODE *n2) |
double | circ_tree_distance_tree (const CIRC_NODE *n1, const CIRC_NODE *n2, const SPHEROID *spheroid, double threshold) |
static int | circ_nodes_sort_cmp (const void *a, const void *b) |
static void | circ_internal_nodes_sort (CIRC_NODE **nodes, uint32_t num_nodes, const CIRC_NODE *target_node) |
void | circ_tree_print (const CIRC_NODE *node, int depth) |
static CIRC_NODE * | lwpoint_calculate_circ_tree (const LWPOINT *lwpoint) |
static CIRC_NODE * | lwline_calculate_circ_tree (const LWLINE *lwline) |
static CIRC_NODE * | lwpoly_calculate_circ_tree (const LWPOLY *lwpoly) |
static CIRC_NODE * | lwcollection_calculate_circ_tree (const LWCOLLECTION *lwcol) |
CIRC_NODE * | lwgeom_calculate_circ_tree (const LWGEOM *lwgeom) |