
ST_MapAlgebraFct — Versão de banda 2 - Cria uma nova banda raster um formada pela aplicação de uma função PostgreSQL na 2 entrada de bandas raster e do tipo de pixel fornecido. A banda 1 é assumida se nenhuma banda for especificada. Tipo de extensão torna-se INTERSEÇÃO se não especificada.


raster ST_MapAlgebraFct(raster rast1, raster rast2, regprocedure tworastuserfunc, text pixeltype=same_as_rast1, text extenttype=INTERSECTION, text[] VARIADIC userargs);

raster ST_MapAlgebraFct(raster rast1, integer band1, raster rast2, integer band2, regprocedure tworastuserfunc, text pixeltype=same_as_rast1, text extenttype=INTERSECTION, text[] VARIADIC userargs);



ST_MapAlgebraFct é menosprezado como do 2.1.0. Use ST_MapAlgebra (callback function version).

Cria uma nova banda raster um formada pela aplicação válida de uma função PostgreSQL definida pela tworastuserfunc no raster de entrada rast1, rast1. Se band1 ou band2 não forem especificadas, a banda 1 é assumida. O novo raster terá a mesma georreferência, largura e altura que o raster original, mas só terá uma banda.

Se um pixeltype passar, então o novo raster terá a mesma banda dele. Se o tipo de pixel passar NULO, a nova banda raster terá o mesmo tipo de pixel que a banda de entrada rast1.

The tworastuserfunc parameter must be the name and signature of an SQL or PL/pgSQL function, cast to a regprocedure. An example PL/pgSQL function example is:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION simple_function_for_two_rasters(pixel1 FLOAT, pixel2 FLOAT, pos INTEGER[], VARIADIC args TEXT[])
    AS $$ BEGIN
        RETURN 0.0;
    END; $$

The tworastuserfunc may accept three or four arguments: a double precision value, a double precision value, an optional integer array, and a variadic text array. The first argument is the value of an individual raster cell in rast1 (regardless of the raster datatype). The second argument is an individual raster cell value in rast2. The third argument is the position of the current processing cell in the form '{x,y}'. The fourth argument indicates that all remaining parameters to ST_MapAlgebraFct shall be passed through to the tworastuserfunc.

Passing a regprodedure argument to a SQL function requires the full function signature to be passed, then cast to a regprocedure type. To pass the above example PL/pgSQL function as an argument, the SQL for the argument is:

'simple_function(double precision, double precision, integer[], text[])'::regprocedure

Note that the argument contains the name of the function, the types of the function arguments, quotes around the name and argument types, and a cast to a regprocedure.

The fourth argument to the tworastuserfunc is a variadic text array. All trailing text arguments to any ST_MapAlgebraFct call are passed through to the specified tworastuserfunc, and are contained in the userargs argument.


Para maiores informações sobre a palavra-chave VARIADIC, por favor recorra à documentação do PostgreSQL e a seção "SQL Functions with Variable Numbers of Arguments" do Query Language (SQL) Functions.


O argumento text[] para a tworastuserfunc é requerido, independente se escolher passar argumentos para sua função usuário processar ou não.

Disponibilidade: 2.0.0

Exemplo: Revestindo rasters em um quadro como bandas separadas

-- define our user defined function --
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION raster_mapalgebra_union(
    rast1 double precision,
    rast2 double precision,
    pos integer[],
    VARIADIC userargs text[]
    RETURNS double precision
    AS $$
            WHEN rast1 IS NOT NULL AND rast2 IS NOT NULL THEN
                RETURN ((rast1 + rast2)/2.);
            WHEN rast1 IS NULL AND rast2 IS NULL THEN
                RETURN NULL;
            WHEN rast1 IS NULL THEN
                RETURN rast2;
                RETURN rast1;
        END CASE;

        RETURN NULL;
    $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' IMMUTABLE COST 1000;

-- prep our test table of rasters
CREATE TABLE map_shapes(rid serial PRIMARY KEY, rast raster, bnum integer, descrip text);
INSERT INTO map_shapes(rast,bnum, descrip)
WITH mygeoms
    AS ( SELECT 2 As bnum, ST_Buffer(ST_Point(90,90),30) As geom, 'circle' As descrip
            UNION ALL
            SELECT 3 AS bnum,
                ST_Buffer(ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(50 50,150 150,150 50)'), 15) As geom, 'big road' As descrip
            UNION ALL
            SELECT 1 As bnum,
                ST_Translate(ST_Buffer(ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(60 50,150 150,150 50)'), 8,'join=bevel'), 10,-6) As geom, 'small road' As descrip
   -- define our canvas to be 1 to 1 pixel to geometry
    AS ( SELECT ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(250,
        ST_XMin(e)::integer, ST_YMax(e)::integer, 1, -1, 0, 0 ) , '8BUI'::text,0) As rast
        FROM (SELECT ST_Extent(geom) As e,
                    Max(ST_SRID(geom)) As srid
                    from mygeoms
                    ) As foo
-- return our rasters aligned with our canvas
SELECT ST_AsRaster(m.geom, canvas.rast, '8BUI', 240) As rast, bnum, descrip
                FROM mygeoms AS m CROSS JOIN canvas
SELECT canvas.rast, 4, 'canvas'
FROM canvas;

-- Map algebra on single band rasters and then collect with ST_AddBand
INSERT INTO map_shapes(rast,bnum,descrip)
SELECT ST_AddBand(ST_AddBand(rasts[1], rasts[2]),rasts[3]), 4, 'map bands overlay fct union (canvas)'
    FROM (SELECT ARRAY(SELECT ST_MapAlgebraFct(m1.rast, m2.rast,
            'raster_mapalgebra_union(double precision, double precision, integer[], text[])'::regprocedure, '8BUI', 'FIRST')
                FROM map_shapes As m1 CROSS JOIN map_shapes As m2
    WHERE m1.descrip = 'canvas' AND m2.descrip <
> 'canvas' ORDER BY m2.bnum) As rasts) As foo;

bandas mapa cobrem (quadro) (R: rua pequena, G: círculo, B: rua grande)

Função de usuário definido que toma argumentos extras

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION raster_mapalgebra_userargs(
    rast1 double precision,
    rast2 double precision,
    pos integer[],
    VARIADIC userargs text[]
    RETURNS double precision
    AS $$
            WHEN rast1 IS NOT NULL AND rast2 IS NOT NULL THEN
                RETURN least(userargs[1]::integer,(rast1 + rast2)/2.);
            WHEN rast1 IS NULL AND rast2 IS NULL THEN
                RETURN userargs[2]::integer;
            WHEN rast1 IS NULL THEN
                RETURN greatest(rast2,random()*userargs[3]::integer)::integer;
                RETURN greatest(rast1, random()*userargs[4]::integer)::integer;
        END CASE;

        RETURN NULL;
    $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE COST 1000;

SELECT ST_MapAlgebraFct(m1.rast, 1, m1.rast, 3,
            'raster_mapalgebra_userargs(double precision, double precision, integer[], text[])'::regprocedure,
                '8BUI', 'INTERSECT', '100','200','200','0')
                FROM map_shapes As m1
    WHERE m1.descrip = 'map bands overlay fct union (canvas)';

usuário definido com argumentos extras e bandas diferentes do mesmo raster