ST_ClusterKMeans — 入力ジオメトリごとにk平均法アルゴリズムを使ってクラスタ番号を返すウィンドウ関数です。
integer ST_ClusterKMeans(
geometry winset geom , integer k , float8 max_radius )
Enhanced: 3.2.0 max_radius
Enhanced: 3.1.0 3次元ジオメトリと重みに対応するようになりました
Availability: 2.3.0
CREATE TABLE parcels AS SELECT lpad((row_number() over())::text,3,'0') As parcel_id, geom, ('{residential, commercial}'::text[])[1 + mod(row_number()OVER(),2)] As type FROM ST_Subdivide(ST_Buffer('SRID=3857;LINESTRING(40 100, 98 100, 100 150, 60 90)'::geometry, 40, 'endcap=square'),12) As geom;
SELECT ST_ClusterKMeans(geom, 3) OVER() AS cid, parcel_id, geom FROM parcels;
cid | parcel_id | geom -----+-----------+--------------- 0 | 001 | 0103000000... 0 | 002 | 0103000000... 1 | 003 | 0103000000... 0 | 004 | 0103000000... 1 | 005 | 0103000000... 2 | 006 | 0103000000... 2 | 007 | 0103000000...
SELECT ST_ClusterKMeans(geom, 3) over (PARTITION BY type) AS cid, parcel_id, type FROM parcels;
cid | parcel_id | type -----+-----------+------------- 1 | 005 | commercial 1 | 003 | commercial 2 | 007 | commercial 0 | 001 | commercial 1 | 004 | residential 0 | 002 | residential 2 | 006 | residential
例: 3次元クラスタリングと重み付けを使った、事前集計した地球規模の人口データセットのクラスタリング。Kontur Population Dataに基づいて、中心から3000km以下となる、少なくとも 20 の地域が識別されます:
create table kontur_population_3000km_clusters as select geom, ST_ClusterKMeans( ST_Force4D( ST_Transform(ST_Force3D(geom), 4978), -- cluster in 3D XYZ CRS mvalue => population -- set clustering to be weighed by population ), 20, -- aim to generate at least 20 clusters max_radius => 3000000 -- but generate more to make each under 3000 km radius ) over () as cid from kontur_population;