ST_GeomFromEWKB — EWKB(Extended Well-Known Binary)로부터 지정된 ST_Geometry 값을 반환합니다.
geometry ST_GeomFromEWKB(
bytea EWKB)
OGC EWKB(Extended Well-Known Binary) 표현식으로부터 PostGIS ST_Geometry 객체를 작성합니다.
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EWKB 형식이 OGC 표준은 아니지만, SRID(공간 참조 시스템 식별자)를 포함하는 PostGIS 특화 형식입니다. |
개선 사항: 2.0.0 버전부터 다면체 표면(polyhedral surface) 및 TIN을 지원합니다.
This function supports 3d and will not drop the z-index.
This method supports Circular Strings and Curves.
This function supports Polyhedral surfaces.
This function supports Triangles and Triangulated Irregular Network Surfaces (TIN).
NAD83 경위도(SRID 4269)로 투영된 LINESTRING(-71.160281 42.258729,-71.160837 42.259113,-71.161144 42.25932)의 라인스트링 바이너리 표현식
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주의: 바이트 배열이 역슬래시(\)로 구분되고 작은따옴표(')를 가지고 있을 수도 있지만, standard_conforming_strings가 비활성화돼 있을 경우 \ 및 " 둘 다 빼놓아야 합니다. 그래야만 AsEWKB 표현식과 똑같이 보이지 않기 때문입니다. |
SELECT ST_GeomFromEWKB(E'\\001\\002\\000\\000 \\255\\020\\000\\000\\003\\000\\000\\000\\344J= \\013B\\312Q\\300n\\303(\\010\\036!E@''\\277E''K \\312Q\\300\\366{b\\235*!E@\\225|\\354.P\\312Q \\300p\\231\\323e1!E@');
![]() |
In PostgreSQL 9.1+ - standard_conforming_strings is set to on by default, where as in past versions it was set to off. You can change defaults as needed for a single query or at the database or server level. Below is how you would do it with standard_conforming_strings = on. In this case we escape the ' with standard ansi ', but slashes are not escaped |
set standard_conforming_strings = on; SELECT ST_GeomFromEWKB('\001\002\000\000 \255\020\000\000\003\000\000\000\344J=\012\013B \312Q\300n\303(\010\036!E@''\277E''K\012\312Q\300\366{b\235*!E@\225|\354.P\312Q\012\300p\231\323e1')