
ValidateTopology — Devuelve un conjunto de objetos validatetopology_returntype que detallan problemas con la topología.


setof validatetopology_returntype ValidateTopology(varchar toponame, geometry bbox);


Returns a set of validatetopology_returntype objects detailing issues with topology, optionally limiting the check to the area specified by the bbox parameter.

List of possible errors, what they mean and what the returned ids represent are displayed below:

Error id1 id2 Meaning
coincident nodes Identifier of first node. Identifier of second node. Two nodes have the same geometry.
Borde curza nodo Identificador de la arista. Identifier of the node. An edge has a node in its interior. See ST_Relate.
borde inválido Identificador de la arista.   An edge geometry is invalid. See ST_IsValid.
borde no simple Identificador de la arista.   An edge geometry has self-intersections. See ST_IsSimple.
borde cruza borde Identifier of first edge. Identifier of second edge. Two edges have an interior intersection. See ST_Relate.
No coincide la geometría del nodo inicial de la arista Identificador de la arista. Identifier of the indicated start node. The geometry of the node indicated as the starting node for an edge does not match the first point of the edge geometry. See ST_StartPoint.
No coincide la geometría del nodo final de la arista Identificador de la arista. Identifier of the indicated end node. The geometry of the node indicated as the ending node for an edge does not match the last point of the edge geometry. See ST_EndPoint.
Cara sin bordes Identifier of the orphaned face.   No edge reports an existing face on either of its sides (left_face, right_face).
cara no tiene anillos Identifier of the partially-defined face.   Edges reporting a face on their sides do not form a ring.
face has wrong mbr Identifier of the face with wrong mbr cache.   Minimum bounding rectangle of a face does not match minimum bounding box of the collection of edges reporting the face on their sides.
hole not in advertised face Signed identifier of an edge, identifying the ring. See GetRingEdges.   A ring of edges reporting a face on its exterior is contained in different face.
not-isolated node has not- containing_face Identifier of the ill-defined node.   A node which is reported as being on the boundary of one or more edges is indicating a containing face.
isolated node has containing_face Identifier of the ill-defined node.   A node which is not reported as being on the boundary of any edges is lacking the indication of a containing face.
isolated node has wrong containing_face Identifier of the misrepresented node.   A node which is not reported as being on the boundary of any edges indicates a containing face which is not the actual face containing it. See GetFaceContainingPoint.
invalid next_right_edge Identifier of the misrepresented edge. Signed id of the edge which should be indicated as the next right edge. The edge indicated as the next edge encountered walking on the right side of an edge is wrong.
invalid next_left_edge Identifier of the misrepresented edge. Signed id of the edge which should be indicated as the next left edge. The edge indicated as the next edge encountered walking on the left side of an edge is wrong.
mixed face labeling in ring Signed identifier of an edge, identifying the ring. See GetRingEdges.   Edges in a ring indicate conflicting faces on the walking side. This is also known as a "Side Location Conflict".
non-closed ring Signed identifier of an edge, identifying the ring. See GetRingEdges.   A ring of edges formed by following next_left_edge/next_right_edge attributes starts and ends on different nodes.
face has multiple shells Identifier of the contended face. Signed identifier of an edge, identifying the ring. See GetRingEdges. More than a one ring of edges indicate the same face on its interior.

Disponibilidad: 1.0.0

Mejorado: 2.0.0 detección de cruces de borde más eficiente y corrección de falsos positivos que existían en versiones anteriores.

Modificado: 2.2.0 los valores para id1 e id2 se intercambiaron para 'borde cruza nodo' para ser consistente con la descripción del error.

Changed: 3.2.0 added optional bbox parameter, perform face labeling and edge linking checks.


SELECT * FROM  topology.ValidateTopology('ma_topo');
      error        | id1 | id2
face without edges |   1 |