
ST_MakePolygon — Creates a Polygon from a shell and optional list of holes.


geometry ST_MakePolygon(geometry linestring);

geometry ST_MakePolygon(geometry outerlinestring, geometry[] interiorlinestrings);


Cria uma polígono formado pela dada shell. As geometrias de entrada devem ser LINESTRINGS fechadas.

Variant 1: Accepts one shell LineString.

Variant 2: Accepts a shell LineString and an array of inner (hole) LineStrings. A geometry array can be constructed using the PostgreSQL array_agg(), ARRAY[] or ARRAY() constructs.


Essa função não aceitará uma MULTILINESTRING. Use ST_LineMerge ou ST_Dump para gerar line strings.

This function supports 3d and will not drop the z-index.

Exemplos: Utilizando versão banco de dados

Cria uma LineString de uma string Encoded Polyline.

SELECT ST_MakePolygon( ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(75 29,77 29,77 29, 75 29)'));

Create a Polygon from an open LineString, using ST_StartPoint and ST_AddPoint to close it.

SELECT ST_MakePolygon( ST_AddPoint(foo.open_line, ST_StartPoint(foo.open_line)) )
  SELECT ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(75 29,77 29,77 29, 75 29)') As open_line) As foo;

Cria uma LineString de uma string Encoded Polyline.

SELECT ST_AsEWKT( ST_MakePolygon( 'LINESTRING(75.15 29.53 1,77 29 1,77.6 29.5 1, 75.15 29.53 1)'));

POLYGON((75.15 29.53 1,77 29 1,77.6 29.5 1,75.15 29.53 1))

Create a Polygon from a LineString with measures

SELECT ST_AsEWKT( ST_MakePolygon( 'LINESTRINGM(75.15 29.53 1,77 29 1,77.6 29.5 2, 75.15 29.53 2)' ));

POLYGONM((75.15 29.53 1,77 29 1,77.6 29.5 2,75.15 29.53 2))

Exemplos: estrutura de dentro e estrutura de fora

Construir um donut com um buraco de formiga

SELECT ST_MakePolygon( ST_ExteriorRing( ST_Buffer(ring.line,10)),
        ARRAY[  ST_Translate(ring.line, 1, 1),
                ST_ExteriorRing(ST_Buffer(ST_Point(20,20),1)) ]
FROM (SELECT ST_ExteriorRing(
        ST_Buffer(ST_Point(10,10),10,10)) AS line ) AS ring;

Create a set of province boundaries with holes representing lakes. The input is a table of province Polygons/MultiPolygons and a table of water linestrings. Lines forming lakes are determined by using ST_IsClosed. The province linework is extracted by using ST_Boundary. As required by ST_MakePolygon, the boundary is forced to be a single LineString by using ST_LineMerge. (However, note that if a province has more than one region or has islands this will produce an invalid polygon.) Using a LEFT JOIN ensures all provinces are included even if they have no lakes.


A construção CASE é usada porque sustentar uma coleção de nulos em ST_MakePolygon resulta em NULO.

SELECT p.gid, p.province_name,
        CASE WHEN array_agg(w.geom) IS NULL
        THEN p.geom
        ELSE  ST_MakePolygon( ST_LineMerge(ST_Boundary(p.geom)),
                        array_agg(w.geom)) END
        provinces p LEFT JOIN waterlines w
                ON (ST_Within(w.geom, p.geom) AND ST_IsClosed(w.geom))
GROUP BY p.gid, p.province_name, p.geom;

Another technique is to utilize a correlated subquery and the ARRAY() constructor that converts a row set to an array.

SELECT p.gid,  p.province_name,
        FROM waterlines w
        WHERE ST_Within(w.geom, p.geom)
        AND ST_IsClosed(w.geom))
    THEN ST_MakePolygon(
        ARRAY( SELECT w.geom
            FROM waterlines w
            WHERE ST_Within(w.geom, p.geom)
            AND ST_IsClosed(w.geom)))
    ELSE p.geom
    END AS geom
FROM provinces p;

Veja também

ST_BuildArea ST_Polygon