
postgis_srs_search — Return metadata records for projected coordinate systems that have areas of useage that fully contain the bounds parameter.


setof record postgis_srs_search(geometry bounds, text auth_name=EPSG);


Return a set of metadata records for projected coordinate systems that have areas of useage that fully contain the bounds parameter. Each record will have the auth_name, auth_srid, srname, srtext, proj4text, and the corners of the area of usage, point_sw and point_ne.

The search only looks for projected coordinate systems, and is intended for users to explore the possible systems that work for the extent of their data.

Availability: 3.4.0

Proj version 6+


Search for projected coordinate systems in Louisiana.

SELECT auth_name, auth_srid, srname,
  ST_AsText(point_sw) AS point_sw,
  ST_AsText(point_ne) AS point_ne
FROM postgis_srs_search('SRID=4326;LINESTRING(-90 30, -91 31)')

 auth_name | auth_srid |                srname                |      point_sw       |      point_ne
 EPSG      | 2801      | NAD83(HARN) / Louisiana South        | POINT(-93.94 28.85) | POINT(-88.75 31.07)
 EPSG      | 3452      | NAD83 / Louisiana South (ftUS)       | POINT(-93.94 28.85) | POINT(-88.75 31.07)
 EPSG      | 3457      | NAD83(HARN) / Louisiana South (ftUS) | POINT(-93.94 28.85) | POINT(-88.75 31.07)

Scan a table for max extent and find projected coordinate systems that might suit.

WITH ext AS (
  SELECT ST_Extent(geom) AS geom, Max(ST_SRID(geom)) AS srid
  FROM foo
SELECT auth_name, auth_srid, srname,
  ST_AsText(point_sw) AS point_sw,
  ST_AsText(point_ne) AS point_ne
FROM ext
CROSS JOIN postgis_srs_search(ST_SetSRID(ext.geom, ext.srid))

Siehe auch

postgis_srs_codes, postgis_srs_all, postgis_srs