Table of Contents
The Minnesota MapServer is an internet web-mapping server which conforms to the OpenGIS Web Mapping Server specification.
The MapServer homepage is at
The OpenGIS Web Map Specification is at
To use PostGIS with MapServer, you will need to know about how to configure MapServer, which is beyond the scope of this documentation. This section will cover specific PostGIS issues and configuration details.
To use PostGIS with MapServer, you will need:
Version 0.6 or newer of PostGIS.
Version 3.5 or newer of MapServer.
MapServer accesses PostGIS/PostgreSQL data like any other
PostgreSQL client -- using the libpq
interface. This means that
MapServer can be installed on any machine with network access to the
PostGIS server, and use PostGIS as a source of data. The faster the connection
between the systems, the better.
Compile and install MapServer, with whatever options you desire, including the "--with-postgis" configuration option.
In your MapServer map file, add a PostGIS layer. For example:
LAYER CONNECTIONTYPE postgis NAME "widehighways" # Connect to a remote spatial database CONNECTION "user=dbuser dbname=gisdatabase host=bigserver" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" # Get the lines from the 'geom' column of the 'roads' table DATA "geom from roads using srid=4326 using unique gid" STATUS ON TYPE LINE # Of the lines in the extents, only render the wide highways FILTER "type = 'highway' and numlanes >= 4" CLASS # Make the superhighways brighter and 2 pixels wide EXPRESSION ([numlanes] >= 6) STYLE COLOR 255 22 22 WIDTH 2 END END CLASS # All the rest are darker and only 1 pixel wide EXPRESSION ([numlanes] < 6) STYLE COLOR 205 92 82 END END END
In the example above, the PostGIS-specific directives are as follows:
For PostGIS layers, this is always "postgis".
The database connection is governed by the a 'connection string' which is a standard set of keys and values like this (with the default values in <>):
user=<username> password=<password> dbname=<username> hostname=<server> port=<5432>
An empty connection string is still valid, and any of the key/value pairs can be omitted. At a minimum you will generally supply the database name and username to connect with.
The form of this parameter is "<geocolumn> from <tablename> using srid=<srid> using unique <primary key>" where the column is the spatial column to be rendered to the map, the SRID is SRID used by the column and the primary key is the table primary key (or any other uniquely-valued column with an index).
You can omit the "using srid" and "using unique" clauses and MapServer will automatically determine the correct values if possible, but at the cost of running a few extra queries on the server for each map draw.
Putting in a CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER if you have multiple layers reuses existing connections instead of closing them. This improves speed. Refer to for MapServer PostGIS Performance Tips for a more detailed explanation.
The filter must be a valid SQL string corresponding to the logic normally following the "WHERE" keyword in a SQL query. So, for example, to render only roads with 6 or more lanes, use a filter of "num_lanes >= 6".
In your spatial database, ensure you have spatial (GiST) indexes built for any the layers you will be drawing.
CREATE INDEX [indexname] ON [tablename] USING GIST ( [geometrycolumn] );
If you will be querying your layers using MapServer you will also need to use the "using unique" clause in your DATA statement.
MapServer requires unique identifiers for each spatial record when doing queries, and the PostGIS module of MapServer uses the unique value you specify in order to provide these unique identifiers. Using the table primary key is the best practice.
pseudo-SQL clause is used to add some
information to help mapserver understand the results of more complex
queries. More specifically, when either a view or a subselect is used as
the source table (the thing to the right of "FROM" in a
definition) it is more difficult for mapserver
to automatically determine a unique identifier for each row and also the
SRID for the table. The USING
clause can provide
mapserver with these two pieces of information as follows:
DATA "the_geom FROM ( SELECT table1.the_geom AS the_geom, table1.gid AS gid, AS data FROM table1 LEFT JOIN table2 ON = ) AS new_table USING UNIQUE gid USING SRID=-1"
MapServer requires a unique id for each row in order to
identify the row when doing map queries. Normally it identifies
the primary key from the system tables. However, views and subselects don't
automatically have an known unique column. If you want to use MapServer's
query functionality, you need to ensure your view
or subselect includes a uniquely valued column, and declare it with USING UNIQUE
For example, you could explicitly select nee of the table's primary key
values for this purpose, or any other column which is guaranteed
to be unique for the result set.
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"Querying a Map" is the action of clicking on a map to ask
for information about the map features in that location. Don't
confuse "map queries" with the SQL query in a
PostGIS needs to know which spatial referencing system is
being used by the geometries in order to return the correct data
back to MapServer. Normally it is possible to find this
information in the "geometry_columns" table in the PostGIS
database, however, this is not possible for tables which are
created on the fly such as subselects and views. So the
option allows the correct SRID to
be specified in the DATA
Lets start with a simple example and work our way up. Consider the following MapServer layer definition:
LAYER CONNECTIONTYPE postgis NAME "roads" CONNECTION "user=theuser password=thepass dbname=thedb host=theserver" DATA "the_geom from roads" STATUS ON TYPE LINE CLASS STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 END END END
This layer will display all the road geometries in the roads table as black lines.
Now lets say we want to show only the highways until we get zoomed in to at least a 1:100000 scale - the next two layers will achieve this effect:
LAYER CONNECTIONTYPE postgis CONNECTION "user=theuser password=thepass dbname=thedb host=theserver" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" DATA "the_geom from roads" MINSCALE 100000 STATUS ON TYPE LINE FILTER "road_type = 'highway'" CLASS COLOR 0 0 0 END END LAYER CONNECTIONTYPE postgis CONNECTION "user=theuser password=thepass dbname=thedb host=theserver" PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER" DATA "the_geom from roads" MAXSCALE 100000 STATUS ON TYPE LINE CLASSITEM road_type CLASS EXPRESSION "highway" STYLE WIDTH 2 COLOR 255 0 0 END END CLASS STYLE COLOR 0 0 0 END END END
The first layer is used when the scale is greater than 1:100000,
and displays only the roads of type "highway" as black lines. The
option causes only roads of type "highway" to
be displayed.
The second layer is used when the scale is less than 1:100000, and will display highways as double-thick red lines, and other roads as regular black lines.
So, we have done a couple of interesting things using only
MapServer functionality, but our DATA
SQL statement
has remained simple. Suppose that the name of the road is stored in
another table (for whatever reason) and we need to do a join to get it
and label our roads.
LAYER CONNECTIONTYPE postgis CONNECTION "user=theuser password=thepass dbname=thedb host=theserver" DATA "the_geom FROM (SELECT roads.oid AS oid, roads.the_geom AS the_geom, as name FROM roads LEFT JOIN road_names ON roads.road_name_id = road_names.road_name_id) AS named_roads USING UNIQUE oid USING SRID=-1" MAXSCALE 20000 STATUS ON TYPE ANNOTATION LABELITEM name CLASS LABEL ANGLE auto SIZE 8 COLOR 0 192 0 TYPE truetype FONT arial END END END
This annotation layer adds green labels to all the roads when the
scale gets down to 1:20000 or less. It also demonstrates how to use an
SQL join in a DATA
Java clients can access PostGIS "geometry" objects in the PostgreSQL database either directly as text representations or using the JDBC extension objects bundled with PostGIS. In order to use the extension objects, the "postgis.jar" file must be in your CLASSPATH along with the "postgresql.jar" JDBC driver package.
import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; import java.lang.*; import org.postgis.*; public class JavaGIS { public static void main(String[] args) { java.sql.Connection conn; try { /* * Load the JDBC driver and establish a connection. */ Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver"); String url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/database"; conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "postgres", ""); /* * Add the geometry types to the connection. Note that you * must cast the connection to the pgsql-specific connection * implementation before calling the addDataType() method. */ ((org.postgresql.PGConnection)conn).addDataType("geometry",Class.forName("org.postgis.PGgeometry")); ((org.postgresql.PGConnection)conn).addDataType("box3d",Class.forName("org.postgis.PGbox3d")); /* * Create a statement and execute a select query. */ Statement s = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet r = s.executeQuery("select geom,id from geomtable"); while( ) { /* * Retrieve the geometry as an object then cast it to the geometry type. * Print things out. */ PGgeometry geom = (PGgeometry)r.getObject(1); int id = r.getInt(2); System.out.println("Row " + id + ":"); System.out.println(geom.toString()); } s.close(); conn.close(); } catch( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
The "PGgeometry" object is a wrapper object which contains a specific topological geometry object (subclasses of the abstract class "Geometry") depending on the type: Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon.
PGgeometry geom = (PGgeometry)r.getObject(1); if( geom.getType() == Geometry.POLYGON ) { Polygon pl = (Polygon)geom.getGeometry(); for( int r = 0; r < pl.numRings(); r++) { LinearRing rng = pl.getRing(r); System.out.println("Ring: " + r); for( int p = 0; p < rng.numPoints(); p++ ) { Point pt = rng.getPoint(p); System.out.println("Point: " + p); System.out.println(pt.toString()); } } }
The JavaDoc for the extension objects provides a reference for the various data accessor functions in the geometric objects.