27 #define _LWGEODETIC_TREE_H 1
31 #define CIRC_NODE_SIZE 8
double circ_tree_distance_tree(const CIRC_NODE *n1, const CIRC_NODE *n2, const SPHEROID *spheroid, double threshold)
CIRC_NODE * circ_tree_new(const POINTARRAY *pa)
Build a tree of nodes from a point array, one node per edge.
int circ_tree_get_point(const CIRC_NODE *node, POINT2D *pt)
Returns a POINT2D that is a vertex of the input shape.
void circ_tree_print(const CIRC_NODE *node, int depth)
void circ_tree_free(CIRC_NODE *node)
Recurse from top of node tree and free all children.
LWGEOM * geography_tree_shortestline(const LWGEOM *g1, const LWGEOM *g2, double threshold, const SPHEROID *spheroid)
LWGEOM * geography_tree_closestpoint(const LWGEOM *g1, const LWGEOM *g2, double threshold)
CIRC_NODE * lwgeom_calculate_circ_tree(const LWGEOM *lwgeom)
int circ_tree_get_point_outside(const CIRC_NODE *node, POINT2D *pt)
struct circ_node CIRC_NODE
Note that p1 and p2 are pointers into an independent POINTARRAY, do not free them.
int circ_tree_contains_point(const CIRC_NODE *node, const POINT2D *pt, const POINT2D *pt_outside, int level, int *on_boundary)
Walk the tree and count intersections between the stab line and the edges.
Point in spherical coordinates on the world.
struct circ_node ** nodes
Note that p1 and p2 are pointers into an independent POINTARRAY, do not free them.