30 #define _LIBLWGEOM_H 1
38 #if defined(PJ_VERSION) && PJ_VERSION >= 490
40 #define PROJ_GEODESIC 1
43 #define PROJ_GEODESIC 0
65 #define LIBLWGEOM_VERSION "2.5.9"
89 #define MULTILINETYPE 5
93 #define COMPOUNDTYPE 9
94 #define CURVEPOLYTYPE 10
95 #define MULTICURVETYPE 11
98 #define TRIANGLETYPE 14
107 #define WKBZOFFSET 0x80000000
108 #define WKBMOFFSET 0x40000000
109 #define WKBSRIDFLAG 0x20000000
110 #define WKBBBOXFLAG 0x10000000
128 #define WGS84_MAJOR_AXIS 6378137.0
129 #define WGS84_INVERSE_FLATTENING 298.257223563
131 #define WGS84_RADIUS ((2.0 * WGS84_MAJOR_AXIS + WGS84_MINOR_AXIS ) / 3.0)
140 #define FLAGS_GET_Z(flags) ((flags) & 0x01)
141 #define FLAGS_GET_M(flags) (((flags) & 0x02)>>1)
142 #define FLAGS_GET_BBOX(flags) (((flags) & 0x04)>>2)
143 #define FLAGS_GET_GEODETIC(flags) (((flags) & 0x08)>>3)
144 #define FLAGS_GET_READONLY(flags) (((flags) & 0x10)>>4)
145 #define FLAGS_GET_SOLID(flags) (((flags) & 0x20)>>5)
146 #define FLAGS_SET_Z(flags, value) ((flags) = (value) ? ((flags) | 0x01) : ((flags) & 0xFE))
147 #define FLAGS_SET_M(flags, value) ((flags) = (value) ? ((flags) | 0x02) : ((flags) & 0xFD))
148 #define FLAGS_SET_BBOX(flags, value) ((flags) = (value) ? ((flags) | 0x04) : ((flags) & 0xFB))
149 #define FLAGS_SET_GEODETIC(flags, value) ((flags) = (value) ? ((flags) | 0x08) : ((flags) & 0xF7))
150 #define FLAGS_SET_READONLY(flags, value) ((flags) = (value) ? ((flags) | 0x10) : ((flags) & 0xEF))
151 #define FLAGS_SET_SOLID(flags, value) ((flags) = (value) ? ((flags) | 0x20) : ((flags) & 0xDF))
152 #define FLAGS_NDIMS(flags) (2 + FLAGS_GET_Z(flags) + FLAGS_GET_M(flags))
153 #define FLAGS_GET_ZM(flags) (FLAGS_GET_M(flags) + FLAGS_GET_Z(flags) * 2)
154 #define FLAGS_NDIMS_BOX(flags) (FLAGS_GET_GEODETIC(flags) ? 3 : FLAGS_NDIMS(flags))
165 #define TYPMOD_GET_SRID(typmod) ((((typmod) & 0x0FFFFF00) - ((typmod) & 0x10000000)) >> 8)
166 #define TYPMOD_SET_SRID(typmod, srid) ((typmod) = (((typmod) & 0xE00000FF) | ((srid & 0x001FFFFF)<<8)))
167 #define TYPMOD_GET_TYPE(typmod) ((typmod & 0x000000FC)>>2)
168 #define TYPMOD_SET_TYPE(typmod, type) ((typmod) = (typmod & 0xFFFFFF03) | ((type & 0x0000003F)<<2))
169 #define TYPMOD_GET_Z(typmod) ((typmod & 0x00000002)>>1)
170 #define TYPMOD_SET_Z(typmod) ((typmod) = typmod | 0x00000002)
171 #define TYPMOD_GET_M(typmod) (typmod & 0x00000001)
172 #define TYPMOD_SET_M(typmod) ((typmod) = typmod | 0x00000001)
173 #define TYPMOD_GET_NDIMS(typmod) (2+TYPMOD_GET_Z(typmod)+TYPMOD_GET_M(typmod))
179 #define SRID_MAXIMUM 999999
185 #define SRID_USER_MAXIMUM 998999
188 #define SRID_UNKNOWN 0
189 #define SRID_IS_UNKNOWN(x) ((int)x<=0)
192 #define SRID_INVALID (999999 + 2)
198 #define SRID_DEFAULT 4326
201 # define __attribute__(x)
218 typedef void* (*lwallocator)(
size_t size);
219 typedef void* (*lwreallocator)(
void *mem,
size_t size);
273 double afac, bfac, cfac, dfac, efac, ffac, gfac, hfac, ifac, xoff, yoff, zoff;
1542 #define LW_GML_IS_DIMS (1<<0)
1544 #define LW_GML_IS_DEGREE (1<<1)
1546 #define LW_GML_SHORTLINE (1<<2)
1548 #define LW_GML_EXTENT (1<<4)
1551 #define IS_DIMS(x) ((x) & LW_GML_IS_DIMS)
1552 #define IS_DEGREE(x) ((x) & LW_GML_IS_DEGREE)
1560 #define LW_X3D_FLIP_XY (1<<0)
1561 #define LW_X3D_USE_GEOCOORDS (1<<1)
1562 #define X3D_USE_GEOCOORDS(x) ((x) & LW_X3D_USE_GEOCOORDS)
2001 #define LW_PARSER_CHECK_ODD 2
2005 #define LW_PARSER_CHECK_NONE 0
2037 #define PARSER_ERROR_OTHER 10
2066 #define WKB_ISO 0x01
2067 #define WKB_SFSQL 0x02
2068 #define WKB_EXTENDED 0x04
2069 #define WKB_NDR 0x08
2070 #define WKB_XDR 0x10
2071 #define WKB_HEX 0x20
2072 #define WKB_NO_NPOINTS 0x40
2073 #define WKB_NO_SRID 0x80
2075 #define WKT_ISO 0x01
2076 #define WKT_SFSQL 0x02
2077 #define WKT_EXTENDED 0x04
2083 #define TWKB_BBOX 0x01
2084 #define TWKB_SIZE 0x02
2085 #define TWKB_ID 0x04
2086 #define TWKB_NO_TYPE 0x10
2087 #define TWKB_NO_ID 0x20
2150 extern void *
size_t size);
2151 extern void *
void *mem,
size_t size);
2152 extern void lwfree(
void *mem);
2155 extern char *
char *str,
int startpos,
int endpos,
int maxlength,
int truncdirection);
void deparse_hex(uint8_t str, char *result)
Convert a char into a human readable hex digit.
int lwgeom_is_closed(const LWGEOM *geom)
Return true or false depending on whether a geometry is a linear feature that closes on itself.
size_t gserialized_from_lwgeom_size(const LWGEOM *geom)
Calculate required memory segment to contain a serialized form of the LWGEOM.
POINTARRAY * ptarray_construct_reference_data(char hasz, char hasm, uint32_t npoints, uint8_t *ptlist)
Construct a new POINTARRAY, referencing to the data from ptlist.
int ptarray_remove_point(POINTARRAY *pa, uint32_t where)
Remove a point from an existing POINTARRAY.
void lwgeom_refresh_bbox(LWGEOM *lwgeom)
Drop current bbox and calculate a fresh one.
Semantic of the tolerance argument passed to lwcurve_linearize.
Tolerance expresses the maximum angle between the radii generating approximation line vertices,...
Tolerance expresses the number of segments to use for each quarter of circle (quadrant).
Tolerance expresses the maximum distance between an arbitrary point on the curve and the closest poin...
char * lwgeom_to_svg(const LWGEOM *geom, int precision, int relative)
Takes a GEOMETRY and returns a SVG representation.
int lwpoint_getPoint4d_p(const LWPOINT *point, POINT4D *out)
LWLINE * lwgeom_as_lwline(const LWGEOM *lwgeom)
LWGEOM * lwcompound_as_lwgeom(const LWCOMPOUND *obj)
LWPOINT * lwcircstring_get_lwpoint(const LWCIRCSTRING *circ, uint32_t where)
void lwgeom_set_geodetic(LWGEOM *geom, int value)
Set the FLAGS geodetic bit on geometry an all sub-geometries and pointlists.
POINTARRAY * ptarray_construct_copy_data(char hasz, char hasm, uint32_t npoints, const uint8_t *ptlist)
Construct a new POINTARRAY, copying in the data from ptlist.
LWPOINT * lwpoint_make2d(int srid, double x, double y)
POINT4D getPoint4d(const POINTARRAY *pa, uint32_t n)
LWGEOM * lwline_as_lwgeom(const LWLINE *obj)
LWGEOM * lwgeom_simplify(const LWGEOM *igeom, double dist, int preserve_collapsed)
char lwgeom_same(const LWGEOM *lwgeom1, const LWGEOM *lwgeom2)
geom1 same as geom2 iff
int gbox_same(const GBOX *g1, const GBOX *g2)
Check if 2 given Gbox are the same.
int gbox_union(const GBOX *g1, const GBOX *g2, GBOX *gout)
Update the output GBOX to be large enough to include both inputs.
LWGEOM * lwgeom_centroid(const LWGEOM *geom)
void lwgeom_request_interrupt(void)
Request interruption of any running code.
LWGEOM * lwcollection_as_lwgeom(const LWCOLLECTION *obj)
int lwgeom_ndims(const LWGEOM *geom)
Return the number of dimensions (2, 3, 4) in a geometry.
uint32_t lwtype_get_collectiontype(uint8_t type)
Given an lwtype number, what homogeneous collection can hold it?
void lwgeom_cancel_interrupt(void)
Cancel any interruption request.
void(*) typedef void(*) voi lwgeom_set_handlers)(lwallocator allocator, lwreallocator reallocator, lwfreeor freeor, lwreporter errorreporter, lwreporter noticereporter)
Install custom memory management and error handling functions you want your application to use.
LWMPOINT * lwpoly_to_points(const LWPOLY *poly, uint32_t npoints)
void lwmpoly_release(LWMPOLY *lwpoly)
int32_t lwgeom_get_srid(const LWGEOM *geom)
Return SRID number.
LWGEOM * lwgeom_geos_noop(const LWGEOM *geom)
Convert an LWGEOM to a GEOS Geometry and convert back – for debug only.
void(*) typedef void(* lwdebuglogger)(int level, const char *fmt, va_list ap) __attribute__((format(printf
void gbox_duplicate(const GBOX *original, GBOX *duplicate)
Copy the values of original GBOX into duplicate.
LWGEOM * lwgeom_from_geojson(const char *geojson, char **srs)
Create an LWGEOM object from a GeoJSON representation.
LWGEOM * lwgeom_locate_along(const LWGEOM *lwin, double m, double offset)
Determine the location(s) along a measured line where m occurs and return as a multipoint.
double distance2d_pt_pt(const POINT2D *p1, const POINT2D *p2)
LWGEOM * lwgeom_delaunay_triangulation(const LWGEOM *geom, double tolerance, int32_t edgeOnly)
Take vertices of a geometry and build a delaunay triangulation on them.
LWGEOM * lwgeom_closest_point(const LWGEOM *lw1, const LWGEOM *lw2)
GBOX * gbox_copy(const GBOX *gbox)
Return a copy of the GBOX, based on dimensionality of flags.
double lwgeom_maxdistance2d(const LWGEOM *lw1, const LWGEOM *lw2)
Function initializing max distance calculation.
int gbox_same_2d(const GBOX *g1, const GBOX *g2)
Check if 2 given GBOX are the same in x and y.
int lwgeom_startpoint(const LWGEOM *lwgeom, POINT4D *pt)
int ptarray_is_closed(const POINTARRAY *pa)
Check for ring closure using whatever dimensionality is declared on the pointarray.
int azimuth_pt_pt(const POINT2D *p1, const POINT2D *p2, double *ret)
Compute the azimuth of segment AB in radians.
GBOX * box3d_to_gbox(const BOX3D *b3d)
LWPOINT * lwgeom_project_spheroid(const LWPOINT *r, const SPHEROID *spheroid, double distance, double azimuth)
Calculate the location of a point on a spheroid, give a start point, bearing and distance.
void() lwinterrupt_callback()
Install a callback to be called periodically during algorithm execution.
LWGEOM * lwgeom_node(const LWGEOM *lwgeom_in)
projPJ lwproj_from_string(const char *txt)
Get a projection from a string representation.
LWCIRCSTRING * lwcircstring_construct_empty(int srid, char hasz, char hasm)
void lwmpoint_free(LWMPOINT *mpt)
struct struct_lwgeom_unparser_result LWGEOM_UNPARSER_RESULT
void gbox_expand(GBOX *g, double d)
Move the box minimums down and the maximums up by the distance provided.
uint8_t * lwgeom_to_twkb_with_idlist(const LWGEOM *geom, int64_t *idlist, uint8_t variant, int8_t precision_xy, int8_t precision_z, int8_t precision_m, size_t *twkb_size)
Convert LWGEOM to a char* in TWKB format.
LWGEOM * lwgeom_symdifference(const LWGEOM *geom1, const LWGEOM *geom2)
LWGEOM * lwgeom_segmentize_sphere(const LWGEOM *lwg_in, double max_seg_length)
Derive a new geometry with vertices added to ensure no vertex is more than max_seg_length (in radians...
LWPOINTITERATOR * lwpointiterator_create(const LWGEOM *g)
Create a new LWPOINTITERATOR over supplied LWGEOM*.
int ptarray_append_ptarray(POINTARRAY *pa1, POINTARRAY *pa2, double gap_tolerance)
Append a POINTARRAY, pa2 to the end of an existing POINTARRAY, pa1.
int gbox_contains_point3d(const GBOX *gbox, const POINT3D *pt)
Return true if the point is inside the gbox.
LWGEOM * lwgeom_force_4d(const LWGEOM *geom)
LWGEOM * lwgeom_from_hexwkb(const char *hexwkb, const char check)
int32_t gserialized_get_srid(const GSERIALIZED *g)
Extract the SRID from the serialized form (it is packed into three bytes so this is a handy function)...
LWMPOINT * lwgeom_as_lwmpoint(const LWGEOM *lwgeom)
double lwpoint_get_m(const LWPOINT *point)
void lwgeom_trim_bits_in_place(LWGEOM *geom, int32_t prec_x, int32_t prec_y, int32_t prec_z, int32_t prec_m)
Trim the bits of an LWGEOM in place, to optimize it for compression.
LWLINE * lwline_segmentize2d(const LWLINE *line, double dist)
void lwpoint_free(LWPOINT *pt)
LWMPOLY * lwmpoly_construct_empty(int srid, char hasz, char hasm)
void lwgeom_longitude_shift(LWGEOM *lwgeom)
LWCURVEPOLY * lwcurvepoly_construct_empty(int srid, char hasz, char hasm)
double lwgeom_distance_spheroid(const LWGEOM *lwgeom1, const LWGEOM *lwgeom2, const SPHEROID *spheroid, double tolerance)
Calculate the geodetic distance from lwgeom1 to lwgeom2 on the spheroid.
LWCOLLECTION * lwcollection_construct_empty(uint8_t type, int srid, char hasz, char hasm)
void gbox_float_round(GBOX *gbox)
Round given GBOX to float boundaries.
POINTARRAY * ptarray_substring(POINTARRAY *pa, double d1, double d2, double tolerance)
@d1 start location (distance from start / total distance) @d2 end location (distance from start / tot...
LWCOLLECTION * lwcollection_segmentize2d(const LWCOLLECTION *coll, double dist)
double distance3d_pt_seg(const POINT3D *p, const POINT3D *A, const POINT3D *B)
void lwpoint_release(LWPOINT *lwpoint)
void lwgeom_free(LWGEOM *geom)
int ptarray_is_closed_3d(const POINTARRAY *pa)
LWGEOM * lwcurve_linearize(const LWGEOM *geom, double tol, LW_LINEARIZE_TOLERANCE_TYPE type, int flags)
char * hexbytes_from_bytes(const uint8_t *bytes, size_t size)
int gserialized_calculate_gbox_geocentric_p(const GSERIALIZED *g, GBOX *g_box)
Calculate the geocentric bounding box directly from the serialized form of the geodetic coordinates.
double lwgeom_maxdistance3d_tolerance(const LWGEOM *lw1, const LWGEOM *lw2, double tolerance)
Function handling 3d max distance calculations and dfullywithin calculations.
LWGEOM * lwgeom_split(const LWGEOM *lwgeom_in, const LWGEOM *blade_in)
int gbox_pt_outside(const GBOX *gbox, POINT2D *pt_outside)
Calculate a spherical point that falls outside the geocentric gbox.
void lwmpoly_free(LWMPOLY *mpoly)
LWGEOM * lwgeom_filter_m(LWGEOM *geom, double min, double max, int returnm)
double distance2d_sqr_pt_pt(const POINT2D *p1, const POINT2D *p2)
GBOX * gbox_new(uint8_t flags)
Create a new gbox with the dimensionality indicated by the flags.
void(* lwfreeor)(void *mem)
LWGEOM * lwgeom_as_multi(const LWGEOM *lwgeom)
Create a new LWGEOM of the appropriate MULTI* type.
LWCURVEPOLY * lwcurvepoly_construct_from_lwpoly(LWPOLY *lwpoly)
Construct an equivalent curve polygon from a polygon.
LWTIN * lwtin_add_lwtriangle(LWTIN *mobj, const LWTRIANGLE *obj)
LWGEOM * lwgeom_unstroke(const LWGEOM *geom)
double lwgeom_perimeter_2d(const LWGEOM *geom)
int lwpointiterator_next(LWPOINTITERATOR *s, POINT4D *p)
Attempts to assign the next point in the iterator to p, and advances the iterator to the next point.
LWPOINT * lwcompound_get_lwpoint(const LWCOMPOUND *lwcmp, uint32_t where)
int lwpoint_inside_circle(const LWPOINT *p, double cx, double cy, double rad)
LWMLINE * lwmline_construct_empty(int srid, char hasz, char hasm)
LWGEOM * lwgeom_intersection(const LWGEOM *geom1, const LWGEOM *geom2)
void interpolate_point4d(const POINT4D *A, const POINT4D *B, POINT4D *I, double F)
Find interpolation point I between point A and point B so that the len(AI) == len(AB)*F and I falls o...
int gserialized_get_gbox_p(const GSERIALIZED *g, GBOX *gbox)
Pull a GBOX from the header of a GSERIALIZED, if one is available.
void lwtin_free(LWTIN *tin)
LWGEOM * lwgeom_from_twkb(const uint8_t *twkb, size_t twkb_size, char check)
WKB inputs must have a declared size, to prevent malformed WKB from reading off the end of the memory...
LWGEOM * lwcollection_getsubgeom(LWCOLLECTION *col, int gnum)
POINTARRAY * ptarray_removePoint(POINTARRAY *pa, uint32_t where)
Remove a point from a pointarray.
int ptarray_transform(POINTARRAY *pa, projPJ inpj, projPJ outpj)
Transform given POINTARRAY from inpj projection to outpj projection.
int lwpoint_getPoint3dm_p(const LWPOINT *point, POINT3DM *out)
void printLWPOLY(LWPOLY *poly)
uint8_t * getPoint_internal(const POINTARRAY *pa, uint32_t n)
LWGEOM * lwmline_as_lwgeom(const LWMLINE *obj)
LWGEOM * lwgeom_segmentize2d(const LWGEOM *line, double dist)
LWGEOM * lwgeom_offsetcurve(const LWGEOM *geom, double size, int quadsegs, int joinStyle, double mitreLimit)
void lwgeom_set_debuglogger(lwdebuglogger debuglogger)
double lwgeom_interpolate_point(const LWGEOM *lwin, const LWPOINT *lwpt)
Find the measure value at the location on the line closest to the point.
POINT3DM getPoint3dm(const POINTARRAY *pa, uint32_t n)
int lwgeom_calculate_gbox_geodetic(const LWGEOM *geom, GBOX *gbox)
Calculate the geodetic bounding box for an LWGEOM.
int gbox_merge_point3d(const POINT3D *p, GBOX *gbox)
Update the GBOX to be large enough to include itself and the new point.
void lwgeom_remove_repeated_points_in_place(LWGEOM *in, double tolerance)
POINTARRAY * ptarray_addPoint(const POINTARRAY *pa, uint8_t *p, size_t pdims, uint32_t where)
Add a point in a pointarray.
struct struct_lwgeom_parser_result LWGEOM_PARSER_RESULT
Parser result structure: returns the result of attempting to convert (E)WKT/(E)WKB to LWGEOM.
LWGEOM * lwgeom_furthest_line_3d(LWGEOM *lw1, LWGEOM *lw2)
LWGEOM * lwgeom_closest_point_3d(const LWGEOM *lw1, const LWGEOM *lw2)
BOX3D * box3d_from_gbox(const GBOX *gbox)
int gserialized_has_z(const GSERIALIZED *gser)
Check if a GSERIALIZED has a Z ordinate.
const POINT4D * getPoint4d_cp(const POINTARRAY *pa, uint32_t n)
Returns a POINT4D pointer into the POINTARRAY serialized_ptlist, suitable for reading from.
LWGEOM * lwmpoint_as_lwgeom(const LWMPOINT *obj)
unsigned int geohash_point_as_int(POINT2D *pt)
LWGEOM * lwpoly_as_lwgeom(const LWPOLY *obj)
void lwline_release(LWLINE *lwline)
double lwgeom_area_spheroid(const LWGEOM *lwgeom, const SPHEROID *spheroid)
Calculate the geodetic area of a lwgeom on the spheroid.
LWGEOM * lwgeom_stroke(const LWGEOM *geom, uint32_t perQuad)
int lwgeom_calculate_gbox_cartesian(const LWGEOM *lwgeom, GBOX *gbox)
Calculate the 2-4D bounding box of a geometry.
uint8_t gflags(int hasz, int hasm, int geodetic)
Construct a new flags char.
int lwgeom_is_trajectory(const LWGEOM *geom)
Return LW_TRUE or LW_FALSE depending on whether or not a geometry is a linestring with measure value ...
int gbox_overlaps(const GBOX *g1, const GBOX *g2)
Return LW_TRUE if the GBOX overlaps, LW_FALSE otherwise.
char * lwgeom_to_x3d3(const LWGEOM *geom, char *srs, int precision, int opts, const char *defid)
LWGEOM * lwgeom_from_gserialized(const GSERIALIZED *g)
Allocate a new LWGEOM from a GSERIALIZED.
void lwgeom_parser_result_init(LWGEOM_PARSER_RESULT *parser_result)
LWGEOM * lwgeom_force_sfs(LWGEOM *geom, int version)
char * lwmessage_truncate(char *str, int startpos, int endpos, int maxlength, int truncdirection)
int lwgeom_parse_wkt(LWGEOM_PARSER_RESULT *parser_result, char *wktstr, int parse_flags)
Parse a WKT geometry string into an LWGEOM structure.
LWGEOM * lwgeom_furthest_point(const LWGEOM *lw1, const LWGEOM *lw2)
int lwline_crossing_direction(const LWLINE *l1, const LWLINE *l2)
Given two lines, characterize how (and if) they cross each other.
int lwgeom_is_simple(const LWGEOM *lwgeom)
void lwgeom_simplify_in_place(LWGEOM *igeom, double dist, int preserve_collapsed)
double lwpoint_get_x(const LWPOINT *point)
LWGEOM * lwgeom_snap(const LWGEOM *geom1, const LWGEOM *geom2, double tolerance)
Snap vertices and segments of a geometry to another using a given tolerance.
int lwpointiterator_peek(LWPOINTITERATOR *s, POINT4D *p)
Attempts to assigns the next point in the iterator to p.
void lwtin_release(LWTIN *lwtin)
POINTARRAY * ptarray_clone_deep(const POINTARRAY *ptarray)
Deep clone a pointarray (also clones serialized pointlist)
char * lwgeom_to_kml2(const LWGEOM *geom, int precision, const char *prefix)
void printPA(POINTARRAY *pa)
int gserialized_get_zm(const GSERIALIZED *gser)
Return a number indicating presence of Z and M coordinates.
uint32_t lwgeom_get_type(const LWGEOM *geom)
Return LWTYPE number.
LWGEOM * lwgeom_from_encoded_polyline(const char *encodedpolyline, int precision)
Create an LWGEOM object from an Encoded Polyline representation.
int lwgeom_check_geodetic(const LWGEOM *geom)
Check that coordinates of LWGEOM are all within the geodetic range (-180, -90, 180,...
LWGEOM * lwgeom_difference(const LWGEOM *geom1, const LWGEOM *geom2)
LWGEOM * lwgeom_clone_deep(const LWGEOM *lwgeom)
Deep clone an LWGEOM, everything is copied.
uint8_t * lwgeom_to_wkb(const LWGEOM *geom, uint8_t variant, size_t *size_out)
Convert LWGEOM to a char* in WKB format.
const char * lwgeom_geos_version(void)
Return GEOS version string (not to be freed)
uint8_t * bytes_from_hexbytes(const char *hexbuf, size_t hexsize)
LWMLINE * lwmline_add_lwline(LWMLINE *mobj, const LWLINE *obj)
void lwpointiterator_destroy(LWPOINTITERATOR *s)
Free all memory associated with the iterator.
char * gserialized_to_string(const GSERIALIZED *g)
Return a WKT representation of the gserialized geometry.
int gbox_overlaps_2d(const GBOX *g1, const GBOX *g2)
Return LW_TRUE if the GBOX overlaps on the 2d plane, LW_FALSE otherwise.
LWLINE * lwline_construct_empty(int srid, char hasz, char hasm)
int lwpoly_add_ring(LWPOLY *poly, POINTARRAY *pa)
Add a ring, allocating extra space if necessary.
double ptarray_locate_point(const POINTARRAY *pa, const POINT4D *pt, double *dist, POINT4D *p_located)
int gserialized_is_empty(const GSERIALIZED *g)
Check if a GSERIALIZED is empty without deserializing first.
LWMPOLY * lwgeom_as_lwmpoly(const LWGEOM *lwgeom)
const POINT3DZ * getPoint3dz_cp(const POINTARRAY *pa, uint32_t n)
Returns a POINT3DZ pointer into the POINTARRAY serialized_ptlist, suitable for reading from.
int getPoint2d_p(const POINTARRAY *pa, uint32_t n, POINT2D *point)
int lwgeom_has_srid(const LWGEOM *geom)
Return true or false depending on whether a geometry has a valid SRID set.
void gbox_init(GBOX *gbox)
Zero out all the entries in the GBOX.
POINTARRAY * ptarray_construct(char hasz, char hasm, uint32_t npoints)
Construct an empty pointarray, allocating storage and setting the npoints, but not filling in any inf...
double lwgeom_length(const LWGEOM *geom)
LWGEOM * lwgeom_remove_repeated_points(const LWGEOM *in, double tolerance)
LWPOLY * lwpoly_construct_circle(int srid, double x, double y, double radius, uint32_t segments_per_quarter, char exterior)
void gbox_expand_xyzm(GBOX *g, double dx, double dy, double dz, double dm)
Move the box minimums down and the maximums up by the distances provided.
const char * lwgeom_version(void)
Return lwgeom version string (not to be freed)
void gserialized_set_srid(GSERIALIZED *g, int32_t srid)
Write the SRID into the serialized form (it is packed into three bytes so this is a handy function).
GSERIALIZED * gserialized_copy(const GSERIALIZED *g)
Return a copy of the input serialized geometry.
int lwgeom_needs_bbox(const LWGEOM *geom)
Check whether or not a lwgeom is big enough to warrant a bounding box.
LWGEOM * lwgeom_reverse(const LWGEOM *lwgeom)
double ptarray_length_2d(const POINTARRAY *pts)
Find the 2d length of the given POINTARRAY (even if it's 3d)
LWGEOM * lwpsurface_as_lwgeom(const LWPSURFACE *obj)
int lwgeom_covers_lwgeom_sphere(const LWGEOM *lwgeom1, const LWGEOM *lwgeom2)
Calculate covers predicate for two lwgeoms on the sphere.
int lwgeom_has_z(const LWGEOM *geom)
Return LW_TRUE if geometry has Z ordinates.
LWGEOM * lwmpoly_as_lwgeom(const LWMPOLY *obj)
int lwtype_is_collection(uint8_t type)
Determine whether a type number is a collection or not.
char * lwgeom_to_ewkt(const LWGEOM *lwgeom)
Return an alloced string.
void printBOX3D(BOX3D *b)
void lwgeom_drop_bbox(LWGEOM *lwgeom)
Call this function to drop BBOX and SRID from LWGEOM.
LWPOINT * lwcompound_get_startpoint(const LWCOMPOUND *lwcmp)
int geometry_type_from_string(const char *str, uint8_t *type, int *z, int *m)
Utility function to get type number from string.
void lwgeom_scale(LWGEOM *geom, const POINT4D *factors)
LWTRIANGLE * lwtriangle_from_lwline(const LWLINE *shell)
char * lwgeom_summary(const LWGEOM *lwgeom, int offset)
double lwgeom_tcpa(const LWGEOM *g1, const LWGEOM *g2, double *mindist)
Find the time of closest point of approach.
void lwmline_release(LWMLINE *lwline)
LWGEOM * lwgeom_pointonsurface(const LWGEOM *geom)
LWBOUNDINGCIRCLE * lwgeom_calculate_mbc(const LWGEOM *g)
int gbox_init_point3d(const POINT3D *p, GBOX *gbox)
Initialize a GBOX using the values of the point.
LWGEOM * lwgeom_sharedpaths(const LWGEOM *geom1, const LWGEOM *geom2)
uint32_t gserialized_header_size(const GSERIALIZED *gser)
Returns the size in bytes of the header, from the start of the object up to the type number.
int pt_in_ring_2d(const POINT2D *p, const POINTARRAY *ring)
LWPOLY * lwpoly_construct_rectangle(char hasz, char hasm, POINT4D *p1, POINT4D *p2, POINT4D *p3, POINT4D *p4)
LWPOINT * lwgeom_as_lwpoint(const LWGEOM *lwgeom)
LWTRIANGLE * lwgeom_as_lwtriangle(const LWGEOM *lwgeom)
size_t gbox_serialized_size(uint8_t flags)
Return the number of bytes necessary to hold a GBOX of this dimension in serialized form.
void(* lwreporter)(const char *fmt, va_list ap) __attribute__((format(printf
LWMPOINT * lwmpoint_add_lwpoint(LWMPOINT *mobj, const LWPOINT *obj)
LWLINE * lwline_addpoint(LWLINE *line, LWPOINT *point, uint32_t where)
double lwgeom_area(const LWGEOM *geom)
LWCURVEPOLY * lwcurvepoly_construct(int srid, GBOX *bbox, uint32_t nrings, LWGEOM **geoms)
LWMLINE * lwgeom_as_lwmline(const LWGEOM *lwgeom)
LWMPOLY * lwmpoly_add_lwpoly(LWMPOLY *mobj, const LWPOLY *obj)
LWGEOM * lwgeom_voronoi_diagram(const LWGEOM *g, const GBOX *env, double tolerance, int output_edges)
Take vertices of a geometry and build the Voronoi diagram.
int ptarray_insert_point(POINTARRAY *pa, const POINT4D *p, uint32_t where)
Insert a point into an existing POINTARRAY.
LWPSURFACE * lwpsurface_add_lwpoly(LWPSURFACE *mobj, const LWPOLY *obj)
char * lwgeom_to_gml3(const LWGEOM *geom, const char *srs, int precision, int opts, const char *prefix, const char *id)
double distance2d_pt_seg(const POINT2D *p, const POINT2D *A, const POINT2D *B)
uint32_t lwgeom_count_vertices(const LWGEOM *geom)
Count the total number of vertices in any LWGEOM.
char * lwgeom_geohash(const LWGEOM *lwgeom, int precision)
Calculate the GeoHash (http://geohash.org) string for a geometry.
int gserialized_is_geodetic(const GSERIALIZED *gser)
Check if a GSERIALIZED is a geography.
int ptarray_calculate_gbox_cartesian(const POINTARRAY *pa, GBOX *gbox)
Calculate box (x/y) and add values to gbox.
void printLWTIN(LWTIN *tin)
char * lwgeom_extent_to_gml3(const LWGEOM *geom, const char *srs, int precision, int opts, const char *prefix)
Symmetric linearization means that the output vertices would be the same no matter the order of the p...
Retain angle instructs the engine to try its best to retain the requested angle between generating ra...
double distance3d_pt_pt(const POINT3D *p1, const POINT3D *p2)
int getPoint3dz_p(const POINTARRAY *pa, uint32_t n, POINT3DZ *point)
int lwpointiterator_modify_next(LWPOINTITERATOR *s, const POINT4D *p)
Attempts to replace the next point int the iterator with p, and advances the iterator to the next poi...
POINTARRAY * lwline_interpolate_points(const LWLINE *line, double length_fraction, char repeat)
Interpolate one or more points along a line.
int lwgeom_dimension(const LWGEOM *geom)
For an LWGEOM, returns 0 for points, 1 for lines, 2 for polygons, 3 for volume, and the max dimension...
LWCOLLECTION * lwgeom_subdivide(const LWGEOM *geom, uint32_t maxvertices)
LWGEOM * lwgeom_chaikin(const LWGEOM *igeom, int n_iterations, int preserve_endpoint)
void * lwrealloc(void *mem, size_t size)
LWMPOINT * lwgeom_to_points(const LWGEOM *lwgeom, uint32_t npoints)
int lwpoint_getPoint3dz_p(const LWPOINT *point, POINT3DZ *out)
LWGEOM * lwgeom_homogenize(const LWGEOM *geom)
LWGEOM * lwpoint_as_lwgeom(const LWPOINT *obj)
double lwgeom_mindistance2d_tolerance(const LWGEOM *lw1, const LWGEOM *lw2, double tolerance)
Function handling min distance calculations and dwithin calculations.
LWPOINT * lwpoint_construct(int srid, GBOX *bbox, POINTARRAY *point)
LWGEOM * lwgeom_unaryunion(const LWGEOM *geom1)
size_t ptarray_point_size(const POINTARRAY *pa)
LWGEOM * lwgeom_as_curve(const LWGEOM *lwgeom)
Create a new LWGEOM of the appropriate CURVE* type.
int ptarray_calculate_gbox_geodetic(const POINTARRAY *pa, GBOX *gbox)
Calculate geodetic (x/y/z) box and add values to gbox.
LWGEOM * lwgeom_normalize(const LWGEOM *geom)
int lwgeom_is_collection(const LWGEOM *lwgeom)
Determine whether a LWGEOM can contain sub-geometries or not.
void lwcircstring_free(LWCIRCSTRING *curve)
LWPOINT * lwpoint_make3dm(int srid, double x, double y, double m)
double lwgeom_mindistance3d_tolerance(const LWGEOM *lw1, const LWGEOM *lw2, double tolerance)
Function handling 3d min distance calculations and dwithin calculations.
void lwgeom_swap_ordinates(LWGEOM *in, LWORD o1, LWORD o2)
Swap ordinate values in every vertex of the geometry.
void lwgeom_affine(LWGEOM *geom, const AFFINE *affine)
LWCOLLECTION * lwgeom_clip_to_ordinate_range(const LWGEOM *lwin, char ordinate, double from, double to, double offset)
Given a geometry clip based on the from/to range of one of its ordinates (x, y, z,...
int gserialized_ndims(const GSERIALIZED *gser)
Return the number of dimensions (2, 3, 4) in a geometry.
LWGEOM * lwgeom_closest_line(const LWGEOM *lw1, const LWGEOM *lw2)
uint8_t lwtype_multitype(uint8_t type)
void spheroid_init(SPHEROID *s, double a, double b)
Initialize a spheroid object for use in geodetic functions.
LWGEOM * lwgeom_buildarea(const LWGEOM *geom)
Take a geometry and return an areal geometry (Polygon or MultiPolygon).
void lwtriangle_free(LWTRIANGLE *triangle)
int lwcurvepoly_add_ring(LWCURVEPOLY *poly, LWGEOM *ring)
Add a ring, allocating extra space if necessary.
void *(* lwreallocator)(void *mem, size_t size)
LWCURVEPOLY * lwgeom_as_lwcurvepoly(const LWGEOM *lwgeom)
LWPOINTITERATOR * lwpointiterator_create_rw(LWGEOM *g)
Create a new LWPOINTITERATOR over supplied LWGEOM* Supports modification of coordinates during iterat...
The return values of lwline_crossing_direction()
void lwboundingcircle_destroy(LWBOUNDINGCIRCLE *c)
void *(* lwallocator)(size_t size)
Global functions for memory/logging handlers.
void lwcollection_release(LWCOLLECTION *lwcollection)
uint32_t gserialized_get_type(const GSERIALIZED *g)
Extract the geometry type from the serialized form (it hides in the anonymous data area,...
LWCIRCSTRING * lwcircstring_construct(int srid, GBOX *bbox, POINTARRAY *points)
char * lwgeom_to_hexwkb(const LWGEOM *geom, uint8_t variant, size_t *size_out)
POINTARRAY * ptarray_construct_empty(char hasz, char hasm, uint32_t maxpoints)
Create a new POINTARRAY with no points.
int gserialized_has_m(const GSERIALIZED *gser)
Check if a GSERIALIZED has an M ordinate.
double lwgeom_length_2d(const LWGEOM *geom)
uint32_t lwgeom_count_rings(const LWGEOM *geom)
Count the total number of rings in any LWGEOM.
int lwgeom_force_geodetic(LWGEOM *geom)
Force coordinates of LWGEOM into geodetic range (-180, -90, 180, 90)
double lwgeom_mindistance2d(const LWGEOM *lw1, const LWGEOM *lw2)
Function initializing min distance calculation.
int ptarray_is_closed_z(const POINTARRAY *pa)
int clamp_srid(int srid)
Return a valid SRID from an arbitrary integer Raises a notice if what comes out is different from wha...
char * lwpoint_to_latlon(const LWPOINT *p, const char *format)
const char * lwtype_name(uint8_t type)
Return the type name string associated with a type number (e.g.
POINT3DZ getPoint3dz(const POINTARRAY *pa, uint32_t n)
GBOX * gserialized_calculate_gbox_geocentric(const GSERIALIZED *g)
Calculate the geocentric bounding box directly from the serialized form of the geodetic coordinates.
LWLINE * lwline_from_lwmpoint(int srid, const LWMPOINT *mpoint)
void lwgeom_force_clockwise(LWGEOM *lwgeom)
Force Right-hand-rule on LWGEOM polygons.
int gserialized_has_bbox(const GSERIALIZED *gser)
Check if a GSERIALIZED has a bounding box without deserializing first.
void lwcollection_free(LWCOLLECTION *col)
void printLWLINE(LWLINE *line)
uint32_t gserialized_max_header_size(void)
Returns the size in bytes to read from toast to get the basic information from a geometry: GSERIALIZE...
GBOX * gbox_from_string(const char *str)
Warning, do not use this function, it is very particular about inputs.
int lwgeom_is_empty(const LWGEOM *geom)
Return true or false depending on whether a geometry is an "empty" geometry (no vertices members)
int getPoint4d_p(const POINTARRAY *pa, uint32_t n, POINT4D *point)
int lwcollection_ngeoms(const LWCOLLECTION *col)
double distance2d_sqr_pt_seg(const POINT2D *p, const POINT2D *A, const POINT2D *B)
LWCOLLECTION * lwgeom_locate_between(const LWGEOM *lwin, double from, double to, double offset)
Determine the segments along a measured line that fall within the m-range given.
void ptarray_free(POINTARRAY *pa)
char * lwgeom_to_wkt(const LWGEOM *geom, uint8_t variant, int precision, size_t *size_out)
WKT emitter function.
int lwgeom_nudge_geodetic(LWGEOM *geom)
Gently move coordinates of LWGEOM if they are close enough into geodetic range.
LWGEOM * lwgeom_force_3dm(const LWGEOM *geom)
LWPOLY * lwpoly_construct(int srid, GBOX *bbox, uint32_t nrings, POINTARRAY **points)
const GBOX * lwgeom_get_bbox(const LWGEOM *lwgeom)
Get a non-empty geometry bounding box, computing and caching it if not already there.
void lwcircstring_release(LWCIRCSTRING *lwcirc)
LWGEOM * lwgeom_set_effective_area(const LWGEOM *igeom, int set_area, double area)
LWCOLLECTION * lwcollection_construct(uint8_t type, int srid, GBOX *bbox, uint32_t ngeoms, LWGEOM **geoms)
LWGEOM * lwtin_as_lwgeom(const LWTIN *obj)
LWPOLY * lwpoly_segmentize2d(const LWPOLY *line, double dist)
POINT2D getPoint2d(const POINTARRAY *pa, uint32_t n)
LWGEOM * lwcurvepoly_as_lwgeom(const LWCURVEPOLY *obj)
int lwgeom_transform(LWGEOM *geom, projPJ inpj, projPJ outpj)
Transform (reproject) a geometry in-place.
LWTIN * lwgeom_as_lwtin(const LWGEOM *lwgeom)
void lwpoly_release(LWPOLY *lwpoly)
LWGEOM * lwgeom_clone(const LWGEOM *lwgeom)
Clone LWGEOM object.
int lwgeom_calculate_gbox(const LWGEOM *lwgeom, GBOX *gbox)
Calculate bounding box of a geometry, automatically taking into account whether it is cartesian or ge...
LWGEOM * lwcircstring_as_lwgeom(const LWCIRCSTRING *obj)
char * lwgeom_extent_to_gml2(const LWGEOM *geom, const char *srs, int precision, const char *prefix)
LWPSURFACE * lwgeom_as_lwpsurface(const LWGEOM *lwgeom)
void lwline_setPoint4d(LWLINE *line, uint32_t which, POINT4D *newpoint)
LWGEOM * lwgeom_from_wkt(const char *wkt, const char check)
LWCOLLECTION * lwcollection_concat_in_place(LWCOLLECTION *col1, const LWCOLLECTION *col2)
Appends all geometries from col2 to col1 in place.
int ptarray_append_point(POINTARRAY *pa, const POINT4D *pt, int allow_duplicates)
Append a point to the end of an existing POINTARRAY If allow_duplicate is LW_FALSE,...
LWMPOINT * lwmpoint_from_lwgeom(const LWGEOM *g)
LWCOLLECTION * lwcollection_extract(LWCOLLECTION *col, int type)
Takes a potentially heterogeneous collection and returns a homogeneous collection consisting only of ...
void expand_box3d(BOX3D *box, double d)
Expand given box of 'd' units in all directions.
void lwgeom_add_bbox_deep(LWGEOM *lwgeom, GBOX *gbox)
Compute a box for geom and all sub-geometries, if not already computed.
int lwpointiterator_has_next(LWPOINTITERATOR *s)
Returns LW_TRUE if there is another point available in the iterator.
LWCOLLECTION * lwcollection_add_lwgeom(LWCOLLECTION *col, const LWGEOM *geom)
Appends geom to the collection managed by col.
double lwgeom_length_spheroid(const LWGEOM *geom, const SPHEROID *s)
Calculate the geodetic length of a lwgeom on the unit sphere.
LWPOINT * lwmpoint_median(const LWMPOINT *g, double tol, uint32_t maxiter, char fail_if_not_converged)
LWGEOM * lwgeom_linemerge(const LWGEOM *geom1)
LWGEOM * lwgeom_furthest_line(const LWGEOM *lw1, const LWGEOM *lw2)
LWMPOINT * lwmpoint_construct_empty(int srid, char hasz, char hasm)
LWTRIANGLE * lwtriangle_construct(int srid, GBOX *bbox, POINTARRAY *points)
void printLWPOINT(LWPOINT *point)
LWLINE * lwline_from_ptarray(int srid, uint32_t npoints, LWPOINT **points)
void * lwalloc(size_t size)
int lwgeom_dimensionality(const LWGEOM *geom)
Return the dimensionality (relating to point/line/poly) of an lwgeom.
uint8_t parse_hex(char *str)
Convert a single hex digit into the corresponding char.
LWPOINT * lwpoint_make3dz(int srid, double x, double y, double z)
int lwcompound_add_lwgeom(LWCOMPOUND *comp, LWGEOM *geom)
Add a component, allocating extra space if necessary.
int ptarray_is_closed_2d(const POINTARRAY *pa)
double lwgeom_maxdistance2d_tolerance(const LWGEOM *lw1, const LWGEOM *lw2, double tolerance)
Function handling max distance calculations and dfullywithin calculations.
LWCOLLECTION * lwgeom_as_lwcollection(const LWGEOM *lwgeom)
LWLINE * lwline_measured_from_lwline(const LWLINE *lwline, double m_start, double m_end)
Add a measure dimension to a line, interpolating linearly from the start to the end value.
LWGEOM * lwgeom_clip_by_rect(const LWGEOM *geom1, double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1)
void error_if_srid_mismatch(int srid1, int srid2)
LWGEOM * lwtriangle_as_lwgeom(const LWTRIANGLE *obj)
LWCIRCSTRING * lwgeom_as_lwcircstring(const LWGEOM *lwgeom)
LWGEOM * lwgeom_wrapx(const LWGEOM *lwgeom, double cutx, double amount)
wrap geometry on given cut x value
void lwpsurface_free(LWPSURFACE *psurf)
float next_float_up(double d)
LWMPOINT * lwmpoint_construct(int srid, const POINTARRAY *pa)
void lwpoly_free(LWPOLY *poly)
LWPOINT * lwgeom_median(const LWGEOM *g, double tol, uint32_t maxiter, char fail_if_not_converged)
double lwpoint_get_z(const LWPOINT *point)
void lwmline_free(LWMLINE *mline)
void lwpsurface_release(LWPSURFACE *lwpsurface)
int lwline_is_trajectory(const LWLINE *geom)
void printLWTRIANGLE(LWTRIANGLE *triangle)
LWPOLY * lwgeom_as_lwpoly(const LWGEOM *lwgeom)
int getPoint3dm_p(const POINTARRAY *pa, uint32_t n, POINT3DM *point)
double lwgeom_maxdistance3d(const LWGEOM *lw1, const LWGEOM *lw2)
Function initializing 3d max distance calculation.
char * lwgeom_to_gml2(const LWGEOM *geom, const char *srs, int precision, const char *prefix)
VERSION GML 2 takes a GEOMETRY and returns a GML2 representation.
int gbox_same_2d_float(const GBOX *g1, const GBOX *g2)
Check if two given GBOX are the same in x and y, or would round to the same GBOX in x and if serializ...
LWMLINE * lwmline_measured_from_lwmline(const LWMLINE *lwmline, double m_start, double m_end)
Re-write the measure ordinate (or add one, if it isn't already there) interpolating the measure betwe...
void lwgeom_release(LWGEOM *lwgeom)
Free the containing LWGEOM and the associated BOX.
double lwgeom_perimeter(const LWGEOM *geom)
char * lwgeom_to_geojson(const LWGEOM *geo, char *srs, int precision, int has_bbox)
Takes a GEOMETRY and returns a GeoJson representation.
LWPOLY * lwpoly_from_lwlines(const LWLINE *shell, uint32_t nholes, const LWLINE **holes)
LWGEOM * lwgeom_from_wkb(const uint8_t *wkb, const size_t wkb_size, const char check)
WKB inputs must have a declared size, to prevent malformed WKB from reading off the end of the memory...
LWPOINT * lwpoint_construct_empty(int srid, char hasz, char hasm)
int lwgeom_has_m(const LWGEOM *geom)
Return LW_TRUE if geometry has M ordinates.
int gbox_is_valid(const GBOX *gbox)
Return false if any of the dimensions is NaN or infinite.
LWCOMPOUND * lwcompound_construct_from_lwline(const LWLINE *lwpoly)
Construct an equivalent compound curve from a linestring.
double lwgeom_azumith_spheroid(const LWPOINT *r, const LWPOINT *s, const SPHEROID *spheroid)
Calculate the bearing between two points on a spheroid.
GSERIALIZED * gserialized_from_lwgeom(LWGEOM *geom, size_t *size)
Allocate a new GSERIALIZED from an LWGEOM.
LWLINE * lwline_construct(int srid, GBOX *bbox, POINTARRAY *points)
void lwgeom_set_srid(LWGEOM *geom, int srid)
Set the SRID on an LWGEOM For collections, only the parent gets an SRID, all the children get SRID_UN...
LWCOMPOUND * lwcompound_construct_empty(int srid, char hasz, char hasm)
uint64_t gbox_get_sortable_hash(const GBOX *g)
Return a sortable key based on the center point of the GBOX.
LWGEOM * lwgeom_force_3dz(const LWGEOM *geom)
int lwgeom_is_clockwise(LWGEOM *lwgeom)
Ensure the outer ring is clockwise oriented and all inner rings are counter-clockwise.
void ptarray_set_point4d(POINTARRAY *pa, uint32_t n, const POINT4D *p4d)
LWLINE * lwline_removepoint(LWLINE *line, uint32_t which)
POINTARRAY * ptarray_merge(POINTARRAY *pa1, POINTARRAY *pa2)
Merge two given POINTARRAY and returns a pointer on the new aggregate one.
int lwpoint_getPoint2d_p(const LWPOINT *point, POINT2D *out)
LWPOINT * lwpoint_make(int srid, int hasz, int hasm, const POINT4D *p)
LWGEOM * lwgeom_construct_empty(uint8_t type, int srid, char hasz, char hasm)
LWPOINT * lwpoint_make4d(int srid, double x, double y, double z, double m)
void lwgeom_add_bbox(LWGEOM *lwgeom)
Compute a bbox if not already computed.
float next_float_down(double d)
void lwline_free(LWLINE *line)
int gserialized_cmp(const GSERIALIZED *g1, const GSERIALIZED *g2)
Return -1 if g1 is "less than" g2, 1 if g1 is "greater than" g2 and 0 if g1 and g2 are the "same".
POINTARRAY * ptarray_flip_coordinates(POINTARRAY *pa)
Reverse X and Y axis on a given POINTARRAY.
LWPOLY * lwpoly_construct_empty(int srid, char hasz, char hasm)
LWGEOM * lwgeom_union(const LWGEOM *geom1, const LWGEOM *geom2)
void lwgeom_parser_result_free(LWGEOM_PARSER_RESULT *parser_result)
LWMPOINT * lwmpoly_to_points(const LWMPOLY *mpoly, uint32_t npoints)
LWPOLY * lwpoly_construct_envelope(int srid, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
LWTRIANGLE * lwtriangle_construct_empty(int srid, char hasz, char hasm)
char * lwgeom_to_encoded_polyline(const LWGEOM *geom, int precision)
int gbox_contains_2d(const GBOX *g1, const GBOX *g2)
Return LW_TRUE if the first GBOX contains the second on the 2d plane, LW_FALSE otherwise.
POINTARRAY * ptarray_segmentize2d(const POINTARRAY *ipa, double dist)
Returns a modified POINTARRAY so that no segment is longer than the given distance (computed using 2d...
int lwgeom_has_arc(const LWGEOM *geom)
void lwmpoint_release(LWMPOINT *lwpoint)
char * gbox_to_string(const GBOX *gbox)
Allocate a string representation of the GBOX, based on dimensionality of flags.
LWLINE * lwline_from_lwgeom_array(int srid, uint32_t ngeoms, LWGEOM **geoms)
LWPOINT * lwcompound_get_endpoint(const LWCOMPOUND *lwcmp)
void lwtriangle_release(LWTRIANGLE *lwtriangle)
double lwpoint_get_y(const LWPOINT *point)
double lwgeom_area_sphere(const LWGEOM *lwgeom, const SPHEROID *spheroid)
Calculate the geodetic area of a lwgeom on the sphere.
int * lwgeom_cluster_2d_kmeans(const LWGEOM **geoms, uint32_t ngeoms, uint32_t k)
Take a list of LWGEOMs and a number of clusters and return an integer array indicating which cluster ...
LWGEOM * lwgeom_make_valid(LWGEOM *geom)
Attempts to make an invalid geometries valid w/out losing points.
LWGEOM * lwgeom_closest_line_3d(const LWGEOM *lw1, const LWGEOM *lw2)
LWGEOM * lwgeom_force_2d(const LWGEOM *geom)
Strip out the Z/M components of an LWGEOM.
int lwline_add_lwpoint(LWLINE *line, LWPOINT *point, uint32_t where)
int getPoint2d_p_ro(const POINTARRAY *pa, uint32_t n, POINT2D **point)
New function to read doubles directly from the double* coordinate array of an aligned lwgeom POINTARR...
void lwgeom_drop_srid(LWGEOM *lwgeom)
const POINT2D * getPoint2d_cp(const POINTARRAY *pa, uint32_t n)
Returns a POINT2D pointer into the POINTARRAY serialized_ptlist, suitable for reading from.
lwinterrupt_callback * lwgeom_register_interrupt_callback(lwinterrupt_callback *)
void lwgeom_reverse_in_place(LWGEOM *lwgeom)
Reverse vertex order of LWGEOM.
uint8_t * lwgeom_to_twkb(const LWGEOM *geom, uint8_t variant, int8_t precision_xy, int8_t precision_z, int8_t precision_m, size_t *twkb_size)
double lwgeom_mindistance3d(const LWGEOM *lw1, const LWGEOM *lw2)
Function initializing 3d min distance calculation.
int lwgeom_cpa_within(const LWGEOM *g1, const LWGEOM *g2, double maxdist)
Is the closest point of approach within a distance ?
int gbox_merge(const GBOX *new_box, GBOX *merged_box)
Update the merged GBOX to be large enough to include itself and the new box.
Ordinate names.
LWCOMPOUND * lwgeom_as_lwcompound(const LWGEOM *lwgeom)
LWPOINT * lwline_get_lwpoint(const LWLINE *line, uint32_t where)
Returns freshly allocated LWPOINT that corresponds to the index where.
Datum distance(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
uint8_t * serialized_pointlist
uint8_t * serialized_lwgeom
Parser result structure: returns the result of attempting to convert (E)WKT/(E)WKB to LWGEOM.
uint8_t * serialized_lwgeom