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PostGIS 3.3.0beta1

The PostGIS Team is pleased to release PostGIS 3.3.0beta1! Best Served with PostgreSQL 15 Beta2 and GEOS 3.11.0.

This release supports PostgreSQL 11-15.


This release is a beta of a major release, it includes bug fixes since PostGIS 3.2.1 and new features.

Changes since PostGIS 3.3.0alpha1


  • #5158, pgtopo_import / pgtopo_export manpages (Sandro Santilli)
  • #5170, add a optional max_rows_per_copy to -Y option to raster2pgsql to control number of rows per copy statement. Default to 50 when not specified (Regina Obe)
  • #4939, #5161, ST_LineMerge now has option to keep the directions of input linestrings, useful when processing road graphs. Requires GEOS 3.11. (Sergei Shoulbakov)
  • ST_ConcaveHull GEOS 3.11+ polygon-respecting native implementation (Paul Ramsey, Martin Davis)
  • #5039, postgis_tiger_geocoder TIGER 2021 (Regina Obe)

New features

  • #5169, ST_SimplifyPolygonHull (requires GEOS 3.11) (Paul Ramsey, Martin Davis)
  • #5162, ST_TriangulatePolygon with GEOS 3.11+ (Paul Ramsey, Martin Davis)

Bug fixes

  • #5173 st_asflatgeobuf detoast crash (Paul Ramsey)
  • #4932, Bug with geography ST_Intersects / ST_Distance (Paul Ramsey)
  • #5114, pgsql2shp segfault with long or many truncated columns


After installing the binaries or after running pg_upgrade:

For PostGIS 3.2, 3.1, 3.0 do below which will upgrade all your postgis extensions.

SELECT postgis_extensions_upgrade();

For PostGIS 2.5 and below do:

SELECT postgis_extensions_upgrade();
SELECT postgis_extensions_upgrade();

If you come across any issues, feel free to report via our ticket tracker or mailing list with details

View all tickets for 3.3.0beta1 milestone.