PostGIS 2.5.6
The PostGIS Team is pleased to release PostGIS 2.5.6!
This release is a bug fix release, addressing issues found in the previous 2.5 releases.
- 4968 Update to handle autoconf 2.71 issues
- 4871 TopoGeometry::geometry cast returns NULL for empty TopoGeometry objects (Sandro Santilli)
- 4757 Handle line collapse due to snap-to-existing node (Sandro Santilli)
- 4769 Fix segfault in st_addband (Raúl Marín)
- 4863 Update bboxes after affine/scale operations (Paul Ramsey)
- 4326 Fix CircularPolygon area calculation (Paul Ramsey)
- 4971 Cunit fixes for newer CUnit (Raúl Marín, Regina Obe)
- 5069 search_path vulnerabilty during install/upgrade (Regina Obe)
- 5086 regress cleanly (clip by box, make valid) with GEOS 3.8+. For GEOS 3.8+ use native GEOS makevalid, buildarea, clipbybox (Regina Obe)
- 4457 Stop trying to createlang in regress plpgsql is always installed (Regina Obe)
- 4980 Support pkg-config for pcre detection (Regina Obe)
After installing the binaries or after running pg_upgrade:
SELECT postgis_extensions_upgrade();
If you come across any issues, feel free to report via our ticket tracker or mailing list with details
View all tickets for 2.5.6 milestone.