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PostGIS 2.0.4 Released

The 2.0.4 release of PostGIS is now available.

The PostGIS development team is happy to release patch for PostGIS 2, the 2.0.4 release. As befits a patch release, the focus is on bugs and breakages.

Best served with a bottle of GEOS 3.3.9.


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Bug Fixes

  • #2110, Equality operator between EMPTY and point on origin
  • Allow adding points at precision distance with TopoGeo_addPoint
  • #1968, Fix missing edge from toTopoGeom return
  • #2165, ST_NumPoints regression failure with CircularString
  • #2168, ST_Distance is not always commutative
  • #2186, gui progress bar updates too frequent
  • #2201, ST_GeoHash wrong on boundaries
  • #2257, GBOX variables not initialized when testing with empty geometries
  • #2271, Prevent parallel make of raster
  • #2267, Server crash from analyze table
  • #2277, potential segfault removed
  • #2307, ST_MakeValid outputs invalid geometries
  • #2351, ST_Distance between geographies wrong
  • #2359, Incorrect handling of schema for overview constraints
  • #2371, Support GEOS versions with more than 1 digit in micro
  • #2372, Cannot parse space-padded KML coordinates
  • Fix build with systemwide liblwgeom installed
  • #2383, Fix unsafe use of \’ in warning message
  • #2410, Fix segmentize of collinear curve
  • #2415, ST_Multi support for COMPOUNDCURVE and CURVEPOLYGON
  • #2412, ST_LineToCurve support for lines with less than 4 vertices
  • #2420, ST_LineToCurve: require at least 8 edges to define a full circle
  • #2423, ST_LineToCurve: require all arc edges to form the same angle
  • #2424, ST_CurveToLine: add support for COMPOUNDCURVE in MULTICURVE
  • #2427, Make sure to retain first point of curves on ST_CurveToLine


  • #2269, Avoid uselessly de-toasting full geometries on ANALYZE

Known Issues

  • #2111, Raster bands can only reference the first 256 bands of out-db rasters

View all [closed tickets][1]. [1]: