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PostGIS 2.0.1 Released

The 2.0.1 release of PostGIS is now available.

This is a bug fix release, addressing issues that have been filed since the 2.0.0 release.

Bug Fixes

  • #1264, fix st_dwithin(geog, geog, 0).
  • #1468, shp2pgsql-gui table column schema get shifted
  • #1694, fix building with clang. (vince)
  • #1708, improve restore of pre-PostGIS 2.0 backups.
  • #1714, more robust handling of high topology tolerance.
  • #1755, ST_GeographyFromText support for higher dimensions.
  • #1759, loading transformed shapefiles in raster enabled db.
  • #1761, handling of subdatasets in NetCDF, HDF4 and HDF5 in raster2pgsql.
  • #1763, topology.toTopoGeom use with custom search_path.
  • #1766, don’t let ST_RemEdge* destroy peripheral TopoGeometry objects.
  • #1774, Clearer error on setting an edge geometry to an invalid one.
  • #1775, ST_ChangeEdgeGeom collision detection with 2-vertex target.
  • #1776, fix ST_SymDifference(empty, geom) to return geom.
  • #1779, install SQL comment files.
  • #1782, fix spatial reference string handling in raster.
  • #1789, fix false edge-node crossing report in ValidateTopology.
  • #1790, fix toTopoGeom handling of duplicated primitives.
  • #1791, fix ST_Azimuth with very close but distinct points.
  • #1797, fix (ValidateTopology(xxx)).* syntax calls.
  • #1805, put back the 900913 SRID entry.
  • #1813, Only show readable relations in metadata tables.
  • #1819, fix floating point issues with ST_World2RasterCoord and ST_Raster2WorldCoord variants.
  • #1820 compilation on 9.2beta1.
  • #1822, topology load on PostgreSQL 9.2beta1.
  • #1825, fix prepared geometry cache lookup
  • #1829, fix uninitialized read in GeoJSON parser
  • #1834, revise postgis extension to only backup user specified spatial_ref_sys
  • #1839, handling of subdatasets in GeoTIFF in raster2pgsql.
  • #1840, fix logic of when to compute # of tiles in raster2pgsql.
  • #1851, fix spatial_ref_system parameters for EPSG:3844
  • #1857, fix failure to detect endpoint mismatch in ST_AddEdgeFace
  • #1865, data loss in when data rows have leading dashes.
  • #1867, catch invalid topology name passed to topogeo_add
  • #1870, align the docs and actual behavior of raster’s ST_Intersects
  • #1872, fix ST_ApproxSummarystats to prevent division by zero
  • #1873, fix ptarray_locate_point to return interpolated Z/M values for on-the-line case
  • #1875, ST_SummaryStats returns NULL for all parameters except count when count is zero
  • #1881, shp2pgsql-gui – editing a field sometimes triggers removing row
  • #1883, Geocoder install fails trying to run create_census_base_tables() (Brian Panulla)

View all closed tickets.