
Get_Geocode_Setting — Returns value of specific setting stored in tiger.geocode_settings table.


text Get_Geocode_Setting(text setting_name);


Returns value of specific setting stored in tiger.geocode_settings table. Settings allow you to toggle debugging of functions. Later plans will be to control rating with settings. Current list of settings are as follows:

              name              | setting |  unit   | category  |                                                             short_desc
 debug_geocode_address          | false   | boolean | debug     | outputs debug information in notice log such as queries when geocode_address is called if true
 debug_geocode_intersection     | false   | boolean | debug     | outputs debug information in notice log such as queries when geocode_intersection is called if true
 debug_normalize_address        | false   | boolean | debug     | outputs debug information in notice log such as queries 
                                |         |         |           |   and intermediate expressions when normalize_address is called if true
 debug_reverse_geocode          | false   | boolean | debug     | if true, outputs debug information in notice log such as queries 
                                                                |  and intermediate expressions when reverse_geocode
 reverse_geocode_numbered_roads | 0       | integer | rating    | For state and county highways, 0 - no preference in name
                                |         |         |           |  , 1 - prefer the numbered highway name, 2 - prefer local state/county name
 use_pagc_address_parser        | false   | boolean | normalize | If set to true, will try to use the pagc_address normalizer instead of tiger built one	

Availability: 2.1.0

Example return debugging setting

SELECT get_geocode_setting('debug_geocode_address) As result;

See Also
