char * | escape_copy_string (char *str) |
| Escape input string suitable for COPY. More...
char * | escape_insert_string (char *str) |
| Escape input string suitable for INSERT. More...
int | GeneratePointGeometry (SHPLOADERSTATE *state, SHPObject *obj, char **geometry, int force_multi) |
| Generate an allocated geometry string for shapefile object obj using the state parameters if "force_multi" is true, single points will instead be created as multipoints with a single vertice. More...
int | GenerateLineStringGeometry (SHPLOADERSTATE *state, SHPObject *obj, char **geometry) |
| Generate an allocated geometry string for shapefile object obj using the state parameters. More...
int | PIP (Point P, Point *V, int n) |
| PIP(): crossing number test for a point in a polygon input: P = a point, V[] = vertex points of a polygon V[n+1] with V[n]=V[0]. More...
int | FindPolygons (SHPObject *obj, Ring ***Out) |
void | ReleasePolygons (Ring **polys, int npolys) |
int | GeneratePolygonGeometry (SHPLOADERSTATE *state, SHPObject *obj, char **geometry) |
| Generate an allocated geometry string for shapefile object obj using the state parameters. More...
static int | utf8 (const char *fromcode, char *inputbuf, char **outputbuf) |
void | strtolower (char *s) |
void | set_loader_config_defaults (SHPLOADERCONFIG *config) |
int | ShpLoaderOpenShape (SHPLOADERSTATE *state) |
int | ShpLoaderGetSQLHeader (SHPLOADERSTATE *state, char **strheader) |
int | ShpLoaderGetSQLCopyStatement (SHPLOADERSTATE *state, char **strheader) |
int | ShpLoaderGetRecordCount (SHPLOADERSTATE *state) |
int | ShpLoaderGenerateSQLRowStatement (SHPLOADERSTATE *state, int item, char **strrecord) |
int | ShpLoaderGetSQLFooter (SHPLOADERSTATE *state, char **strfooter) |
void | ShpLoaderDestroy (SHPLOADERSTATE *state) |