| prs |
| dest |
| action |
| default |
| help |
| opts |
| args |
| VERBOSE = opts.verbose |
| rt = rtreader.RasterReader(opts.db, opts.table, opts.column, opts.where) |
| logging |
string | out_format = "GTiff" |
| out_driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(out_format) |
def | out_data_type = pt2gdt(rt.pixel_types[0]) |
| out_ds = out_driver.Create(opts.output, rt.width, rt.height, rt.num_bands, out_data_type) |
| raster = numpy.zeros((rt.height, rt.width), pt2numpy(out_data_type)) |
| Be careful!! Zeros function's input parameter can be a (height x width) array, not (width x height): http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.zeros.html?highlight=zeros#numpy.zeros. More...
| pixel = rt.get_value(b, width_index + 1, height_index + 1) |
| band = out_ds.GetRasterBand(b) |