
ST_3DDistance — 返回两个几何图形之间的 3D 笛卡尔最小距离(基于空间参考)(以投影单位表示)。


float ST_3DDistance(geometry g1, geometry g2);


返回两个几何图形之间的 3 维最小笛卡尔距离(以投影单位(空间参考单位)表示)。

该函数支持 3d 并且不会丢失 z-index。


该方法实现了SQL/MM规范。 SQL-MM ISO/IEC 13249-3

可用性: 2.0.0

更改:2.2.0 - 在 2D 和 3D 的情况下,对于缺失的 Z,Z 不再被假定为 0。

更改:3.0.0 - SFCGAL 版本已删除


-- Geometry example - units in meters (SRID: 2163 US National Atlas Equal area) (3D point and line compared 2D point and line)
-- Note: currently no vertical datum support so Z is not transformed and assumed to be same units as final.
SELECT ST_3DDistance(
                        ST_Transform('SRID=4326;POINT(-72.1235 42.3521 4)'::geometry,2163),
                        ST_Transform('SRID=4326;LINESTRING(-72.1260 42.45 15, -72.123 42.1546 20)'::geometry,2163)
                ) As dist_3d,
                        ST_Transform('SRID=4326;POINT(-72.1235 42.3521)'::geometry,2163),
                        ST_Transform('SRID=4326;LINESTRING(-72.1260 42.45, -72.123 42.1546)'::geometry,2163)
                ) As dist_2d;

     dist_3d      |     dist_2d
 127.295059324629 | 126.66425605671
-- Multilinestring and polygon both 3d and 2d distance
-- Same example as 3D closest point example
SELECT ST_3DDistance(poly, mline) As dist3d,
    ST_Distance(poly, mline) As dist2d
        FROM (SELECT  'POLYGON((175 150 5, 20 40 5, 35 45 5, 50 60 5, 100 100 5, 175 150 5))'::geometry as poly,
               'MULTILINESTRING((175 155 2, 20 40 20, 50 60 -2, 125 100 1, 175 155 1), (1 10 2, 5 20 1))'::geometry as mline) as foo;
      dist3d       | dist2d
 0.716635696066337 |      0