ST_Clip — Returns the raster clipped by the input geometry. If band number is not specified, all bands are processed. If crop
is not specified or TRUE, the output raster is cropped. If touched
is set to TRUE, then touched pixels are included, otherwise only if the center of the pixel is in the geometry it is included.
raster ST_Clip(
raster rast, integer[] nband, geometry geom, double precision[] nodataval=NULL, boolean crop=TRUE, boolean touched=FALSE)
raster ST_Clip(
raster rast, integer nband, geometry geom, double precision nodataval, boolean crop=TRUE, boolean touched=FALSE)
raster ST_Clip(
raster rast, integer nband, geometry geom, boolean crop, boolean touched=FALSE)
raster ST_Clip(
raster rast, geometry geom, double precision[] nodataval=NULL, boolean crop=TRUE, boolean touched=FALSE)
raster ST_Clip(
raster rast, geometry geom, double precision nodataval, boolean crop=TRUE, boolean touched=FALSE)
raster ST_Clip(
raster rast, geometry geom, boolean crop, boolean touched=FALSE)
입력 도형 geom
으로 잘라낸 래스터를 반환합니다. 밴드 인덱스를 지정하지 않을 경우, 모든 밴드를 처리합니다.
ST_Clip이 출력한 래스터는 각 밴드에 대해 잘라낸 면에 할당된 NODATA 값을 가지고 있어야 합니다. NODATA 값을 설정하지 않고 입력 래스터에 정의된 NODATA 값이 없을 경우, 출력 래스터의 NODATA 값을 ST_MinPossibleValue(ST_BandPixelType(rast, band))로 설정합니다. 배열 내부의 NODATA 값의 개수가 밴드 개수보다 작을 경우, 배열 안의 마지막 NODATA 값을 남은 밴드의 NODATA 값으로 씁니다. NODATA 값의 개수가 밴드 개수보다 클 경우, 남는 NODATA 값을 무시합니다. NODATA 값의 배열을 입력받는 모든 변종 함수는 각 밴드에 할당될 단일 값도 입력받습니다.
If crop
is not specified, true is assumed meaning the output raster is cropped to the intersection of the geom
and rast
extents. If crop
is set to false, the new raster gets the same extent as rast
. If touched
is set to true, then all pixels in the rast
that intersect the geometry are selected.
![]() |
The default behavior is touched=false, which will only select pixels where the center of the pixel is covered by the geometry. |
Enhanced: 3.5.0 - touched argument added.
2.0.0 버전부터 사용할 수 있습니다.
개선 사항: 2.1.0 버전에서 C 언어로 다시 쓰였습니다.
Examples here use Massachusetts aerial data available on MassGIS site MassGIS Aerial Orthos.
SELECT ST_Count(rast) AS count_pixels_in_orig, ST_Count(rast_touched) AS all_touched_pixels, ST_Count(rast_not_touched) AS default_clip FROM ST_AsRaster(ST_Letters('R'), scalex = > 1.0, scaley = > -1.0) AS r(rast) INNER JOIN ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(0 1, 5 6, 10 10)') AS g(geom) ON ST_Intersects(r.rast,g.geom) , ST_Clip(r.rast, g.geom, touched = > true) AS rast_touched , ST_Clip(r.rast, g.geom, touched = > false) AS rast_not_touched; count_pixels_in_orig | all_touched_pixels | default_clip ----------------------+--------------------+-------------- 2605 | 16 | 10 (1 row)
-- Clip the first band of an aerial tile by a 20 meter buffer. SELECT ST_Clip(rast, 1, ST_Buffer(ST_Centroid(ST_Envelope(rast)),20) ) from WHERE rid = 4;
-- Demonstrate effect of crop on final dimensions of raster -- Note how final extent is clipped to that of the geometry -- if crop = true SELECT ST_XMax(ST_Envelope(ST_Clip(rast, 1, clipper, true))) As xmax_w_trim, ST_XMax(clipper) As xmax_clipper, ST_XMax(ST_Envelope(ST_Clip(rast, 1, clipper, false))) As xmax_wo_trim, ST_XMax(ST_Envelope(rast)) As xmax_rast_orig FROM (SELECT rast, ST_Buffer(ST_Centroid(ST_Envelope(rast)),6) As clipper FROM WHERE rid = 6) As foo; xmax_w_trim | xmax_clipper | xmax_wo_trim | xmax_rast_orig ------------------+------------------+------------------+------------------ 230657.436173996 | 230657.436173996 | 230666.436173996 | 230666.436173996
![]() 잘라내기 전의 전체 래스터 타일
![]() 잘라낸 후
-- Same example as before, but we need to set crop to false to be able to use ST_AddBand -- because ST_AddBand requires all bands be the same Width and height SELECT ST_AddBand(ST_Clip(rast, 1, ST_Buffer(ST_Centroid(ST_Envelope(rast)),20),false ), ARRAY[ST_Band(rast,2),ST_Band(rast,3)] ) from WHERE rid = 6;
![]() 잘라내기 전의 전체 래스터 타일
![]() 잘라낸 후 - 비현실적
-- Clip all bands of an aerial tile by a 20 meter buffer. -- Only difference is we don't specify a specific band to clip -- so all bands are clipped SELECT ST_Clip(rast, ST_Buffer(ST_Centroid(ST_Envelope(rast)), 20), false ) from WHERE rid = 4;
![]() 잘라내기 전의 전체 래스터 타일
![]() 잘라낸 후