
ST_AsMARC21 — Returns geometry as a MARC21/XML record with a geographic datafield (034).


text ST_AsMARC21 ( geometry geom , text format='hdddmmss' );


This function returns a MARC21/XML record with Coded Cartographic Mathematical Data representing the bounding box of a given geometry. The format parameter allows to encode the coordinates in subfields $d,$e,$f and $g in all formats supported by the MARC21/XML standard. Valid formats are:

  • cardinal direction, degrees, minutes and seconds (default): hdddmmss

  • decimal degrees with cardinal direction: hddd.dddddd

  • decimal degrees without cardinal direction: ddd.dddddd

  • decimal minutes with cardinal direction: hdddmm.mmmm

  • decimal minutes without cardinal direction: dddmm.mmmm

  • decimal seconds with cardinal direction: hdddmmss.sss

The decimal sign may be also a comma, e.g. hdddmm,mmmm.

The precision of decimal formats can be limited by the number of characters after the decimal sign, e.g. for decimal minutes with a precision of two decimals.

This function ignores the Z and M dimensions.

Versioni LOC MARC21/XML supportate:

Availability: 3.3.0


This function does not support non lon/lat geometries, as they are not supported by the MARC21/XML standard (Coded Cartographic Mathematical Data).


The MARC21/XML Standard does not provide any means to annotate the spatial reference system for Coded Cartographic Mathematical Data, which means that this information will be lost after conversion to MARC21/XML.


Converting a POINT to MARC21/XML formatted as hdddmmss (default)

                SELECT ST_AsMARC21('SRID=4326;POINT(-4.504289 54.253312)'::geometry);

                <record xmlns="">
                    <datafield tag="034" ind1="1" ind2=" ">
                        <subfield code="a"
                        <subfield code="d"
                        <subfield code="e"
                        <subfield code="f"
                        <subfield code="g"

Converting a POLYGON to MARC21/XML formatted in decimal degrees

                SELECT ST_AsMARC21('SRID=4326;POLYGON((-4.5792388916015625 54.18172660239091,-4.56756591796875 54.196993557130355,-4.546623229980469 54.18313300502024,-4.5792388916015625 54.18172660239091))'::geometry,'hddd.dddd');

                <record xmlns="">
                    <datafield tag="034" ind1="1" ind2=" ">
                        <subfield code="a"
                        <subfield code="d"
                        <subfield code="e"
                        <subfield code="f"
                        <subfield code="g"

Converting a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION to MARC21/XML formatted in decimal minutes. The geometries order in the MARC21/XML output correspond to their order in the collection.

                SELECT ST_AsMARC21('SRID=4326;GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POLYGON((13.1 52.65,13.516666666666667 52.65,13.516666666666667 52.38333333333333,13.1 52.38333333333333,13.1 52.65)),POINT(-4.5 54.25))'::geometry,'hdddmm.mmmm');

                <record xmlns="">
                    <datafield tag="034" ind1="1" ind2=" ">
                        <subfield code="a"
                        <subfield code="d"
                        <subfield code="e"
                        <subfield code="f"
                        <subfield code="g"
                    <datafield tag="034" ind1="1" ind2=" ">
                        <subfield code="a"
                        <subfield code="d"
                        <subfield code="e"
                        <subfield code="f"
                        <subfield code="g"

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