
TopologySummary — Takes a topology name and provides summary totals of types of objects in topology.


text TopologySummary(varchar topology_schema_name);


Takes a topology name and provides summary totals of types of objects in topology.

Availability: 2.0.0


SELECT topology.topologysummary('city_data');
 Topology city_data (329), SRID 4326, precision: 0
 22 nodes, 24 edges, 10 faces, 29 topogeoms in 5 layers
 Layer 1, type Polygonal (3), 9 topogeoms
  Deploy: features.land_parcels.feature
 Layer 2, type Puntal (1), 8 topogeoms
  Deploy: features.traffic_signs.feature
 Layer 3, type Lineal (2), 8 topogeoms
  Deploy: features.city_streets.feature
 Layer 4, type Polygonal (3), 3 topogeoms
  Hierarchy level 1, child layer 1
  Deploy: features.big_parcels.feature
 Layer 5, type Puntal (1), 1 topogeoms
  Hierarchy level 1, child layer 2
  Deploy: features.big_signs.feature