
ST_ChangeEdgeGeom — Changes the shape of an edge without affecting the topology structure.


text ST_ChangeEdgeGeom(varchar atopology, integer anedge, geometry acurve);


Changes the shape of an edge without affecting the topology structure.

If any arguments are null, the given edge does not exist in the edge table of the topology schema, the acurve is not a LINESTRING, or the modification would change the underlying topology then an error is thrown.

If the spatial reference system (srid) of the acurve geometry is not the same as the topology an exception is thrown.

If the new acurve is not simple, then an error is thrown.

If moving the edge from old to new position would hit an obstacle then an error is thrown.

Availability: 1.1.0

Enhanced: 2.0.0 adds topological consistency enforcement

This method implements the SQL/MM specification. SQL-MM: Topo-Geo and Topo-Net 3: Routine Details X.3.6


SELECT topology.ST_ChangeEdgeGeom('ma_topo', 1,
		ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(227591.9 893900.4,227622.6 893844.3,227641.6 893816.6, 227704.5 893778.5)', 26986) );
 Edge 1 changed