
ST_RemEdgeModFace — Removes an edge, and if the edge separates two faces deletes one face and modifies the other face to cover the space of both.


integer ST_RemEdgeModFace(varchar atopology, integer anedge);


Removes an edge, and if the removed edge separates two faces deletes one face and modifies the other face to cover the space of both. Preferentially keeps the face on the right, to be consistent with ST_AddEdgeModFace. Returns the id of the face which is preserved.

Atualiza todos os limites existentes e relacionamentos em conformidade.

Refuses to remove an edge participating in the definition of an existing TopoGeometry. Refuses to heal two faces if any TopoGeometry is defined by only one of them (and not the other).

Se qualquer argumento for nulo, o limite dado é desconhecido (deve existir na table edge do esquema de topologia), o nome da topologia é inválido, logo, um erro é lançado.

Disponibilidade: 2.0

This method implements the SQL/MM specification. SQL-MM: Topo-Geo and Topo-Net 3: Routine Details: X.3.15
