
ST_Value — Retorna o valor da banda dada com a colunax, linhay pixel ou em um ponto específico. Os números de banda começam em 1 e assumem-se 1 se não especificados. Se exclude_nodata_value for falso, então todos os pixeis, inclusive os nodata, são considerados para intersectar e retornar valor. Se exclude_nodata_value não passar então lê dos metadados do raster.


double precision ST_Value(raster rast, geometry pt, boolean exclude_nodata_value=true);

double precision ST_Value(raster rast, integer band, geometry pt, boolean exclude_nodata_value=true, text resample='nearest');

double precision ST_Value(raster rast, integer x, integer y, boolean exclude_nodata_value=true);

double precision ST_Value(raster rast, integer band, integer x, integer y, boolean exclude_nodata_value=true);


Retorna o raster modificado resultante do valor de uma banda em uma dada colunax, linhay pixel ou os pixeis que intersectam uma geometria específica. Os números de banda começam no 1 e são assumidos como 1 se não estiverem especificados.

Se exclude_nodata_value for verdade, contará apenas pixeis com valor diferente do valor nodata do raster. exclude_nodata_value é falso para contar todos os pixeis.

The allowed values of the resample parameter are "nearest" which performs the default nearest-neighbor resampling, and "bilinear" which performs a bilinear interpolation to estimate the value between pixel centers.

Melhorias: 2.1.0 o argumento opcional exclude_nodata_value foi adicionado.

Melhorias: 2.0.0 o argumento opcional exclude_nodata_value foi adicionado.


-- get raster values at particular postgis geometry points
-- the srid of your geometry should be same as for your raster
SELECT rid, ST_Value(rast, foo.pt_geom) As b1pval, ST_Value(rast, 2, foo.pt_geom) As b2pval
FROM dummy_rast CROSS JOIN (SELECT ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(3427927.77, 5793243.76), 0) As pt_geom) As foo
WHERE rid=2;

 rid | b1pval | b2pval
   2 |    252 |     79

-- general fictitious example using a real table
SELECT rid, ST_Value(rast, 3, sometable.geom) As b3pval
FROM sometable
WHERE ST_Intersects(rast,sometable.geom);
SELECT rid, ST_Value(rast, 1, 1, 1) As b1pval,
    ST_Value(rast, 2, 1, 1) As b2pval, ST_Value(rast, 3, 1, 1) As b3pval
FROM dummy_rast
WHERE rid=2;

 rid | b1pval | b2pval | b3pval
   2 |    253 |     78 |     70

--- Get all values in bands 1,2,3 of each pixel --
SELECT x, y, ST_Value(rast, 1, x, y) As b1val,
    ST_Value(rast, 2, x, y) As b2val, ST_Value(rast, 3, x, y) As b3val
FROM dummy_rast CROSS JOIN
generate_series(1, 1000) As x CROSS JOIN generate_series(1, 1000) As y
WHERE rid =  2 AND x <= ST_Width(rast) AND y <= ST_Height(rast);

 x | y | b1val | b2val | b3val
 1 | 1 |   253 |    78 |    70
 1 | 2 |   253 |    96 |    80
 1 | 3 |   250 |    99 |    90
 1 | 4 |   251 |    89 |    77
 1 | 5 |   252 |    79 |    62
 2 | 1 |   254 |    98 |    86
 2 | 2 |   254 |   118 |   108

--- Get all values in bands 1,2,3 of each pixel same as above but returning the upper left point point of each pixel --
    ST_Point(ST_UpperLeftX(rast) + ST_ScaleX(rast)*x,
        ST_UpperLeftY(rast) + ST_ScaleY(rast)*y),
        ST_SRID(rast))) As uplpt
    , ST_Value(rast, 1, x, y) As b1val,
    ST_Value(rast, 2, x, y) As b2val, ST_Value(rast, 3, x, y) As b3val
FROM dummy_rast CROSS JOIN
generate_series(1,1000) As x CROSS JOIN generate_series(1,1000) As y
WHERE rid =  2 AND x <= ST_Width(rast) AND y <= ST_Height(rast);

            uplpt            | b1val | b2val | b3val
 POINT(3427929.25 5793245.5) |   253 |    78 |    70
 POINT(3427929.25 5793247)   |   253 |    96 |    80
 POINT(3427929.25 5793248.5) |   250 |    99 |    90

--- Get a polygon formed by union of all pixels
    that fall in a particular value range and intersect particular polygon --
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Union(pixpolyg)) As shadow
FROM (SELECT ST_Translate(ST_MakeEnvelope(
        ST_UpperLeftX(rast), ST_UpperLeftY(rast),
            ST_UpperLeftX(rast) + ST_ScaleX(rast),
            ST_UpperLeftY(rast) + ST_ScaleY(rast), 0
            ), ST_ScaleX(rast)*x, ST_ScaleY(rast)*y
        ) As pixpolyg, ST_Value(rast, 2, x, y) As b2val
    FROM dummy_rast CROSS JOIN
generate_series(1,1000) As x CROSS JOIN generate_series(1,1000) As y
WHERE rid =  2
    AND x <= ST_Width(rast) AND y <= ST_Height(rast)) As foo
        ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((3427928 5793244,3427927.75 5793243.75,3427928 5793243.75,3427928 5793244))',0)
        ) AND b2val != 254;

 MULTIPOLYGON(((3427928 5793243.9,3427928 5793243.85,3427927.95 5793243.85,3427927.95 5793243.9,
 3427927.95 5793243.95,3427928 5793243.95,3427928.05 5793243.95,3427928.05 5793243.9,3427928 5793243.9)),((3427927.95 5793243.9,3427927.95 579324
3.85,3427927.9 5793243.85,3427927.85 5793243.85,3427927.85 5793243.9,3427927.9 5793243.9,3427927.9 5793243.95,
3427927.95 5793243.95,3427927.95 5793243.9)),((3427927.85 5793243.75,3427927.85 5793243.7,3427927.8 5793243.7,3427927.8 5793243.75
,3427927.8 5793243.8,3427927.8 5793243.85,3427927.85 5793243.85,3427927.85 5793243.8,3427927.85 5793243.75)),
((3427928.05 5793243.75,3427928.05 5793243.7,3427928 5793243.7,3427927.95 5793243.7,3427927.95 5793243.75,3427927.95 5793243.8,3427
927.95 5793243.85,3427928 5793243.85,3427928 5793243.8,3427928.05 5793243.8,
3427928.05 5793243.75)),((3427927.95 5793243.75,3427927.95 5793243.7,3427927.9 5793243.7,3427927.85 5793243.7,
3427927.85 5793243.75,3427927.85 5793243.8,3427927.85 5793243.85,3427927.9 5793243.85,
3427927.95 5793243.85,3427927.95 5793243.8,3427927.95 5793243.75)))

--- Checking all the pixels of a large raster tile can take a long time.
--- You can dramatically improve speed at some lose of precision by orders of magnitude
--  by sampling pixels using the step optional parameter of generate_series.
--  This next example does the same as previous but by checking 1 for every 4 (2x2) pixels and putting in the last checked
--  putting in the checked pixel as the value for subsequent 4

SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Union(pixpolyg)) As shadow
FROM (SELECT ST_Translate(ST_MakeEnvelope(
        ST_UpperLeftX(rast), ST_UpperLeftY(rast),
            ST_UpperLeftX(rast) + ST_ScaleX(rast)*2,
            ST_UpperLeftY(rast) + ST_ScaleY(rast)*2, 0
            ), ST_ScaleX(rast)*x, ST_ScaleY(rast)*y
        ) As pixpolyg, ST_Value(rast, 2, x, y) As b2val
    FROM dummy_rast CROSS JOIN
generate_series(1,1000,2) As x CROSS JOIN generate_series(1,1000,2) As y
WHERE rid =  2
    AND x <= ST_Width(rast)  AND y <= ST_Height(rast)  ) As foo
        ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((3427928 5793244,3427927.75 5793243.75,3427928 5793243.75,3427928 5793244))',0)
        ) AND b2val != 254;

 MULTIPOLYGON(((3427927.9 5793243.85,3427927.8 5793243.85,3427927.8 5793243.95,
 3427927.9 5793243.95,3427928 5793243.95,3427928.1 5793243.95,3427928.1 5793243.85,3427928 5793243.85,3427927.9 5793243.85)),
 ((3427927.9 5793243.65,3427927.8 5793243.65,3427927.8 5793243.75,3427927.8 5793243.85,3427927.9 5793243.85,
 3427928 5793243.85,3427928 5793243.75,3427928.1 5793243.75,3427928.1 5793243.65,3427928 5793243.65,3427927.9 5793243.65)))