ST_ValueCount — Retorna o conjunto de registros contendo uma banda pixel de valor e conta do número de pixeis em uma dada banda de um raster (ou uma cobertura raster) que tem um dado conjunto de valores. Usa-se a banda 1 se nenhuma for especificada. Por padrão pixeis de valor nodata não são contados. Todos os outros valores no pixel são saída e os valores de pixeis são arredondados para o inteiro mais próximo.
SETOF record ST_ValueCount(
raster rast, integer nband=1, boolean exclude_nodata_value=true, double precision[] searchvalues=NULL, double precision roundto=0, double precision OUT value, integer OUT count)
SETOF record ST_ValueCount(
raster rast, integer nband, double precision[] searchvalues, double precision roundto=0, double precision OUT value, integer OUT count)
SETOF record ST_ValueCount(
raster rast, double precision[] searchvalues, double precision roundto=0, double precision OUT value, integer OUT count)
bigint ST_ValueCount(
raster rast, double precision searchvalue, double precision roundto=0)
bigint ST_ValueCount(
raster rast, integer nband, boolean exclude_nodata_value, double precision searchvalue, double precision roundto=0)
bigint ST_ValueCount(
raster rast, integer nband, double precision searchvalue, double precision roundto=0)
SETOF record ST_ValueCount(
text rastertable, text rastercolumn, integer nband=1, boolean exclude_nodata_value=true, double precision[] searchvalues=NULL, double precision roundto=0, double precision OUT value, integer OUT count)
SETOF record ST_ValueCount(
text rastertable, text rastercolumn, double precision[] searchvalues, double precision roundto=0, double precision OUT value, integer OUT count)
SETOF record ST_ValueCount(
text rastertable, text rastercolumn, integer nband, double precision[] searchvalues, double precision roundto=0, double precision OUT value, integer OUT count)
text rastertable, text rastercolumn, integer nband, boolean exclude_nodata_value, double precision searchvalue, double precision roundto=0)
bigint ST_ValueCount(
text rastertable, text rastercolumn, double precision searchvalue, double precision roundto=0)
bigint ST_ValueCount(
text rastertable, text rastercolumn, integer nband, double precision searchvalue, double precision roundto=0)
Retorna um conjunto de registros com colunas value
que contêm o valor da banda pixel e soma de pixeis na tile raster ou cobertura raster da banda selecionada.
Se nenhuma banda for especificada nband
usa-se 1. Se nenhum searchvalues
for especificado, retornarão pixeis com valores encontrados no raster ou cobertura raster. Se um valor de pesquisa for dado, retornará um inteiro em vez de registros indicando a soma de pixeis que têm aquele valor de banda pixel
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Disponibilidade: 2.0.0
UPDATE dummy_rast SET rast = ST_SetBandNoDataValue(rast,249) WHERE rid=2; --Example will count only pixels of band 1 that are not 249. -- SELECT (pvc).* FROM (SELECT ST_ValueCount(rast) As pvc FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid=2) As foo ORDER BY (pvc).value; value | count -------+------- 250 | 2 251 | 1 252 | 2 253 | 6 254 | 12 -- Example will coount all pixels of band 1 including 249 -- SELECT (pvc).* FROM (SELECT ST_ValueCount(rast,1,false) As pvc FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid=2) As foo ORDER BY (pvc).value; value | count -------+------- 249 | 2 250 | 2 251 | 1 252 | 2 253 | 6 254 | 12 -- Example will count only non-nodata value pixels of band 2 SELECT (pvc).* FROM (SELECT ST_ValueCount(rast,2) As pvc FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid=2) As foo ORDER BY (pvc).value; value | count -------+------- 78 | 1 79 | 1 88 | 1 89 | 1 96 | 1 97 | 1 98 | 1 99 | 2 112 | 2 :
--real live example. Count all the pixels in an aerial raster tile band 2 intersecting a geometry -- and return only the pixel band values that have a count > 500 SELECT (pvc).value, SUM((pvc).count) As total FROM (SELECT ST_ValueCount(rast,2) As pvc FROM o_4_boston WHERE ST_Intersects(rast, ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((224486 892151,224486 892200,224706 892200,224706 892151,224486 892151))',26986) ) ) As foo GROUP BY (pvc).value HAVING SUM((pvc).count) > 500 ORDER BY (pvc).value; value | total -------+----- 51 | 502 54 | 521
-- Just return count of pixels in each raster tile that have value of 100 of tiles that intersect a specific geometry -- SELECT rid, ST_ValueCount(rast,2,100) As count FROM o_4_boston WHERE ST_Intersects(rast, ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((224486 892151,224486 892200,224706 892200,224706 892151,224486 892151))',26986) ) ; rid | count -----+------- 1 | 56 2 | 95 14 | 37 15 | 64