
parse_address — Nimmt eine 1-zeilige Adresse entgegen und zerlegt sie in die Einzelteile


record parse_address(text address);


Nimmt eine Adresse entgegen und gibt einen Datensatz mit den folgenden Attributen zurück: num, street, street2, address1, city, state, zip, zipplus und country.

Verfügbarkeit: 2.2.0

This method needs address_standardizer extension.


Einzelne Adresse

SELECT num, street, city, zip, zipplus
        FROM parse_address('1 Devonshire Place, Boston, MA 02109-1234') AS a;
num |      street      |  city  |  zip  | zipplus
 1   | Devonshire Place | Boston | 02109 | 1234                

Tabelle mit Adressen

-- basic table
CREATE TABLE places(addid serial PRIMARY KEY, address text);

INSERT INTO places(address)
VALUES ('529 Main Street, Boston MA, 02129'),
 ('77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139'),
 ('25 Wizard of Oz, Walaford, KS 99912323'),
 ('26 Capen Street, Medford, MA'),
 ('124 Mount Auburn St, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138'),
 ('950 Main Street, Worcester, MA 01610');

 -- parse the addresses
 -- if you want all fields you can use (a).*
SELECT addid, (a).num, (a).street, (a).city, (a).state, (a).zip, (a).zipplus
FROM (SELECT addid, parse_address(address) As a
 FROM places) AS p;
addid | num |        street        |   city    | state |  zip  | zipplus
     1 | 529 | Main Street          | Boston    | MA    | 02129 |
     2 | 77  | Massachusetts Avenue | Cambridge | MA    | 02139 |
     3 | 25  | Wizard of Oz         | Walaford  | KS    | 99912 | 323
     4 | 26  | Capen Street         | Medford   | MA    |       |
     5 | 124 | Mount Auburn St      | Cambridge | MA    | 02138 |
     6 | 950 | Main Street          | Worcester | MA    | 01610 |
(6 rows)

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