
ST_ClusterKMeans — Window function that returns a cluster id for each input geometry using the K-means algorithm.


integer ST_ClusterKMeans(geometry winset geom, integer number_of_clusters, float max_radius);


Returns K-means cluster number for each input geometry. The distance used for clustering is the distance between the centroids for 2D geometries, and distance between bounding box centers for 3D geometries. For POINT inputs, M coordinate will be treated as weight of input and has to be larger than 0.

max_radius, if set, will cause ST_ClusterKMeans to generate more clusters than k ensuring that no cluster in output has radius larger than max_radius. This is useful in reachability analysis.

Enhanced: 3.2.0 Support for max_radius

Enhanced: 3.1.0 Support for 3D geometries and weights

Availability: 2.3.0


Generate dummy set of parcels for examples

SELECT lpad((row_number() over())::text,3,'0') As parcel_id, geom,
('{residential, commercial}'::text[])[1 + mod(row_number()OVER(),2)] As type
    ST_Subdivide(ST_Buffer('SRID=3857;LINESTRING(40 100, 98 100, 100 150, 60 90)'::geometry,
    40, 'endcap=square'),12) As geom;

Original Parcels

Parcels color-coded by cluster number (cid)

SELECT ST_ClusterKMeans(geom, 5) OVER() AS cid, parcel_id, geom
FROM parcels;

 cid | parcel_id |   geom
   0 | 001       | 0103000000...
   0 | 002       | 0103000000...
   1 | 003       | 0103000000...
   0 | 004       | 0103000000...
   1 | 005       | 0103000000...
   2 | 006       | 0103000000...
   2 | 007       | 0103000000...
(7 rows)

Partitioning parcel clusters by type:

SELECT ST_ClusterKMeans(geom, 3) over (PARTITION BY type) AS cid, parcel_id, type
FROM parcels;
 cid | parcel_id |    type
   1 | 005       | commercial
   1 | 003       | commercial
   2 | 007       | commercial
   0 | 001       | commercial
   1 | 004       | residential
   0 | 002       | residential
   2 | 006       | residential
(7 rows)

Clustering preaggregated planetary scale data like population dataset may require using 3D clusering and weighting. Let's try to idenify 20-ish meta-regions based on Kontur Population that will not span more than 3000 km from their center:

create table kontur_population_3000km_clusters as
            ST_Transform(ST_Force3D(geom), 4978), -- cluster in 3D XYZ CRS
            mvalue := population -- set clustering to be weighed by population
        20,                      -- aim to generate at least 20 clusters
        max_radius := 3000000    -- but generate more to make each under 3000 km radius
    ) over () as cid

World population clustered to above specs: 46 resulting clusters. Greenland is one cluster, there are island clusters that span across antimeridian, clusters are centered at well-populated regions (New York, Moscow), and edges follow Earth's curvature.

See Also

ST_ClusterDBSCAN, ST_ClusterIntersecting, ST_ClusterWithin, ST_Subdivide, ST_Force3D, ST_Force4D,