ST_CPAWithin —
Returns true
if the closest point of approach of two trajectories
is within the specified distance.
boolean ST_CPAWithin(
geometry track1, geometry track2, float8 maxdist)
Checks whether two moving objects have ever been within the specified maximum distance.
Inputs must be valid trajectories as checked by ST_IsValidTrajectory. False is returned if the trajectories do not overlap in their M ranges.
Availability: 2.2.0
This function supports 3d and will not drop the z-index.
WITH inp AS ( SELECT ST_AddMeasure('LINESTRING Z (0 0 0, 10 0 5)'::geometry, extract(epoch from '2015-05-26 10:00'::timestamptz), extract(epoch from '2015-05-26 11:00'::timestamptz) ) a, ST_AddMeasure('LINESTRING Z (0 2 10, 12 1 2)'::geometry, extract(epoch from '2015-05-26 10:00'::timestamptz), extract(epoch from '2015-05-26 11:00'::timestamptz) ) b ) SELECT ST_CPAWithin(a,b,2), ST_DistanceCPA(a,b) distance FROM inp; st_cpawithin | distance --------------+------------------ t | 1.96521473776207