ST_Equals — Returns true if the given geometries represent the same geometry. Directionality is ignored.
boolean ST_Equals(
geometry A, geometry B)
Returns TRUE if the given Geometries are "spatially equal". Use this for a 'better' answer than '='. Note by spatially equal we mean ST_Within(A,B) = true and ST_Within(B,A) = true and also mean ordering of points can be different but represent the same geometry structure. To verify the order of points is consistent, use ST_OrderingEquals (it must be noted ST_OrderingEquals is a little more stringent than simply verifying order of points are the same).
This function will return false if either geometry is invalid except in the case where they are binary equal. |
Enhanced: 3.0.0 enabled support for |
This method implements the OpenGIS Simple Features Implementation Specification for SQL 1.1. s2.1.1.2
This method implements the SQL/MM specification. SQL-MM 3: 5.1.24
Changed: 2.2.0 Returns true even for invalid geometries if they are binary equal
SELECT ST_Equals(ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(0 0, 10 10)'), ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(0 0, 5 5, 10 10)')); st_equals ----------- t (1 row) SELECT ST_Equals(ST_Reverse(ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(0 0, 10 10)')), ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(0 0, 5 5, 10 10)')); st_equals ----------- t (1 row)