
ST_PixelAsPolygons — Returns the geometry that bounds every pixel of a raster band along with the value, the X and the Y raster coordinates of each pixel.


setof record ST_PixelAsPolygons(raster rast, integer band=1);


Returns the geometry that bounds every pixel of a raster band along with the value (double precision), the X and the Y raster coordinates (integers) of each pixel.


-- get raster pixel polygon
SELECT (gv).x, (gv).y, (gv).val, ST_AsText((gv).geom) geom
FROM (SELECT ST_PixelAsPolygons(
                 ST_SetValue(ST_SetValue(ST_AddBand(ST_MakeEmptyRaster(2, 2, 0, 0, 0.001, -0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 4269), 
                                                    '8BUI'::text, 1, 0), 
                                         2, 2, 10), 
                             1, 1, NULL)
) gv 
) foo;

 x | y | val |                geom
 1 | 1 |     | POLYGON((0 0,0.001 0.001,0.002 0,0.001 -0.001,0 0))
 1 | 2 |   1 | POLYGON((0.001 -0.001,0.002 0,0.003 -0.001,0.002 -0.002,0.001 -0.001))
 2 | 1 |   1 | POLYGON((0.001 0.001,0.002 0.002,0.003 0.001,0.002 0,0.001 0.001))
 2 | 2 |  10 | POLYGON((0.002 0,0.003 0.001,0.004 0,0.003 -0.001,0.002 0))

See Also

ST_DumpAsPolygons, ST_PixelAsPolygon, ST_AsText