63 return GEOSGeom_createEmptyPolygon();
GEOSGeometry * make_geos_point(double x, double y)
GEOSGeometry * make_geos_segment(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
LWTYPE numbers, used internally by PostGIS.
const GBOX * lwgeom_get_bbox(const LWGEOM *lwgeom)
Get a non-empty geometry bounding box, computing and caching it if not already there.
static const POINT2D * getPoint2d_cp(const POINTARRAY *pa, uint32_t n)
Returns a POINT2D pointer into the POINTARRAY serialized_ptlist, suitable for reading from.
static uint32_t lwgeom_get_type(const LWGEOM *geom)
Return LWTYPE number.
static int lwgeom_is_empty(const LWGEOM *geom)
Return true or false depending on whether a geometry is an "empty" geometry (no vertices members)
static LWPOINT * lwgeom_as_lwpoint(const LWGEOM *lwgeom)