Definition at line 2181 of file ptarray.c.
2190 lwerror(
"ptarray_scroll_in_place: input POINTARRAY is not closed");
2198 for ( it = 0; it < pa->
npoints; ++it )
2209 lwerror(
"ptarray_scroll_in_place: input POINTARRAY does not contain the given point");
#define FLAGS_GET_Z(flags)
#define FLAGS_GET_M(flags)
void lwerror(const char *fmt,...)
Write a notice out to the error handler.
static size_t ptarray_point_size(const POINTARRAY *pa)
static uint8_t * getPoint_internal(const POINTARRAY *pa, uint32_t n)
int ptarray_is_closed_2d(const POINTARRAY *in)
POINTARRAY * ptarray_construct(char hasz, char hasm, uint32_t npoints)
Construct an empty pointarray, allocating storage and setting the npoints, but not filling in any inf...
void ptarray_free(POINTARRAY *pa)
References POINTARRAY::flags, FLAGS_GET_M, FLAGS_GET_Z, getPoint_internal(), LW_FAILURE, LW_SUCCESS, lwerror(), POINTARRAY::npoints, ptarray_construct(), ptarray_free(), ptarray_is_closed_2d(), and ptarray_point_size().
Referenced by _lwt_AddLine(), ST_Scroll(), and test_ptarray_scroll().