1266 char *path = POSTGIS_TOP_SRC_DIR
1267 uint8_t extband = 0;
band != NULL);
1286 CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(extband, 1);
uint16_t rt_band_get_width(rt_band band)
Return width of this band.
const char * rt_band_get_ext_path(rt_band band)
Return band's external path (only valid when rt_band_is_offline returns non-zero).
int rt_band_check_is_nodata(rt_band band)
Returns TRUE if the band is only nodata values.
void rt_band_destroy(rt_band band)
Destroy a raster band.
rt_errorstate rt_band_get_ext_band_num(rt_band band, uint8_t *bandnum)
Return bands' external band number (only valid when rt_band_is_offline returns non-zero).
rt_band rt_band_new_offline_from_path(uint16_t width, uint16_t height, int hasnodata, double nodataval, uint8_t bandNum, const char *path, int force)
Create an out-db rt_band from path.
int rt_band_is_offline(rt_band band)
Return non-zero if the given band data is on the filesystem.
uint16_t rt_band_get_height(rt_band band)
Return height of this band.