1855 *root_srid = srs.
1859 if (xnode->children == NULL)
1862 for (xa = xnode->children ; xa != NULL ; xa = xa->next)
1864 if (xa->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
1877 if (xa->children == NULL)
1879 parse_gml(xa->children, hasz, root_srid));
LWCOLLECTION * lwcollection_construct_empty(uint8_t type, int32_t srid, char hasz, char hasm)
LWCOLLECTION * lwcollection_add_lwgeom(LWCOLLECTION *col, const LWGEOM *geom)
Appends geom to the collection managed by col.
Unknown SRID value.
static xmlNodePtr get_xlink_node(xmlNodePtr xnode)
Return a xmlNodePtr on a node referenced by a XLink or NULL otherwise.
static bool is_xlink(xmlNodePtr node)
Return true if current node contains a simple XLink Return false otherwise.
static LWGEOM * parse_gml(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz, int *root_srid)
Parse GML.
static bool is_gml_namespace(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool is_strict)
Return false if current element namespace is not a GML one Return true otherwise.
static void parse_gml_srs(xmlNodePtr xnode, gmlSrs *srs)
Parse gml srsName attribute.
static bool is_gml_element(xmlNodePtr xn, const char *gml_name)