539 double min, max, tmp;
547 elog(ERROR,
"BOX2D_construct: arguments must be points");
552 elog(ERROR,
"BOX2D_construct: args can not be empty points");
582 PG_RETURN_POINTER(result);
GBOX * gbox_new(lwflags_t flags)
Create a new gbox with the dimensionality indicated by the flags.
void gserialized_error_if_srid_mismatch(const GSERIALIZED *g1, const GSERIALIZED *g2, const char *funcname)
LWGEOM * lwgeom_from_gserialized(const GSERIALIZED *g)
Allocate a new LWGEOM from a GSERIALIZED.
double lwpoint_get_x(const LWPOINT *point)
LWTYPE numbers, used internally by PostGIS.
lwflags_t lwflags(int hasz, int hasm, int geodetic)
Construct a new flags bitmask.
double lwpoint_get_y(const LWPOINT *point)
int lwpoint_is_empty(const LWPOINT *point)