Bug Reporting
Stop, and consider if you have actually found a defect, or if you simply have a question you need answered. If you have a question:
- Join the user mailing list and ask your question there.
- Go to one of the other community resources and ask your question there.
Otherwise, sign in to the PostGIS ticket tracker with your OSGeo userid.
Search to find if your problem has already been reported.
- Add any extra context you might have found, or at least indicate that you too are having the problem. This will help us prioritize common issues.
Simplify your issue, to make it very very easy for others to reproduce it.
- The best reports are just a single line of SQL that demonstrates the problem.
- If another person cannot easily replicate your issue, it will likely not get addressed.
Test your issue, if you can, across other versions of PostGIS.
- Do newer versions also have the issue?
- Do older versions?
Create a new ticket for your issue.
- Include your steps and SQL to reproduce the issue.
- Include your version information:
SELECT version(); SELECT postgis_full_version();
If you have discovered a security issue that should not be recorded in the public ticket track please do the following:
Follow the steps above to verify and characterize the issue you have discovered.
E-Mail the information about your issue to security@postgis.net, following the Security Policies and Procedures.