The PostGIS development team is pleased to announce the release of PostGIS 2.4.0rc2.
Best served with PostgreSQL 10rc1
and pgRouting 2.5.0.
See the full list of changes in the news file.
We encourage everyone to test and in particular package maintainers
to insure no surprises at final release time.
If you are upgrading from an existing PostGIS install, make sure after installing PostGIS binaries to do.
– if you have additional postgishy extensions below upgrade them too
ALTER EXTENSION postgis_topology UPDATE;
ALTER EXTENSION postgis_tiger_geocoder UPDATE;
- Source Download
- html doc download (this version includes Japanese, German, Portugese and Korean single html files)
- pdf doc download
- epub doc download
- pgsql help files for non-english languages: [ja]({{ postgis.dev_download }}/pgsql-help-2.4-ja.tar.gz), [de]({{ postgis.dev_download }}/pgsql-help-2.4-de.tar.gz), [br]({{ postgis.dev_download }}/pgsql-help-2.4-br.tar.gz), [ko_KR]({{ postgis.dev_download }}/pgsql-help-2.4-ko_KR.tar.gz)
- ChangeLog
The PostGIS development team has uploaded the final release
of the PostGIS 2.1 branch. The 2.1 branch is now end-of-life.
As befits a patch release, the focus is on bugs and breakages.
The PostGIS development team is pleased to announce the release of PostGIS 2.4.0rc1.
Best served with PostgreSQL 10beta4 or rc1 which is coming soon
and pgRouting 2.5.0rc 2.5.0 release is eminent.
See the full list of changes in the news file.
We encourage everyone to test and in particular package maintainers
to insure no surprises at final release time.
If you are upgrading from an existing PostGIS install, make sure after installing PostGIS 2.4.0rc1 binaries to do.
– if you have additional postgishy extensions below upgrade them too
ALTER EXTENSION postgis_topology UPDATE;
ALTER EXTENSION postgis_tiger_geocoder UPDATE;
--pgRouting 2.5.0 is imminent
In order to have Map Box Vector Tiles support enabled, you’ll need to compile with protobuf support
and pkg-config to verify the correct minimum version of protobuf-c see protobuf
for details. ST_FrechetDistance function will not be enabled if PostGIS is compiled with lower than GEOS 3.7.0.
GEOS 3.7.0 will probably not be released before PostGIS 2.4.0 is out.
The PostGIS development team is pleased to announce the release of PostGIS 2.4.0beta1.
PostGIS 2.4.0 will be the first version to support PostgreSQL 10.
Best served with PostgreSQL 10beta4
and pgRouting 2.5.0beta
See the full list of changes in the news file.
We encourage everyone to test and in particular package maintainers
to insure no surprises at final release time.
From this point forward until release of PostGIS 2.4.0, no new functions will be added.
Only bug fixes will be addressed in future 2.4.0 betas and rcs.
In order to have Map Box Vector Tiles support enabled, you’ll need to compile with protobuf support
and pkg-config to verify the correct minimum version of protobuf-c see protobuf
for details. ST_FrechetDistance function will not be enabled if PostGIS is compiled with lower than GEOS 3.7.0.
GEOS 3.7.0 will be released around the same time as PostGIS 2.4.0 and will have a beta release in a week.
The PostGIS development team is pleased to announce the release of PostGIS 2.4.0alpha.
This is the first version to support PostgreSQL 10.
Best served with PostgreSQL 10beta2.
See the full list of changes in the news file.
The PostGIS development team is pleased to announce the release of PostGIS 2.3.3
As befits a patch release, the focus is on bugs and breakages.
Best served with PostgreSQL 9.6.3+
and pgRouting 2.4.1.
The PostGIS development team is pleased to announce the release of PostGIS 2.3.2
As befits a patch release, the focus is on bugs and breakages.
Best served with PostgreSQL 9.6.1+
and pgRouting 2.3.2.
The PostGIS development team is pleased to announce the release of PostGIS 2.2.5
As befits a patch release, the focus is on bugs and breakages.
The PostGIS development team is pleased to announce the release of PostGIS 2.3.1.
Best served with pgRouting 2.3.1
and PostgreSQL 9.6.1.
As befits a patch release, the focus is on bugs and breakages.
The PostGIS development team is pleased to announce the release of PostGIS 2.2.4
As befits a patch release, the focus is on bugs and breakages.