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PostGIS Presentation @ Open Source Database Summit

Dave Blasby will be giving a presentation on spatial databases in general and PostGIS in particular at the Open Source Database Summit in Providence, Rhode Island on September 25, 2001.

Release 0.5

Support for OGC functions has improved, with lots of the easier ones added. And most exciting: PostGIS can now be used as a data source by the University of Minnesota MapServer! More information on how to do this will be forthcoming shortly!

Release 0.2

Several new functions have been added, most notably support for Well-Known Binary. Documentation is getting better and there is a WKB example application. Some testing has been done and retrieval speed on a million-tuple table with a GiST index for a small query frame is under 0.1 seconds on our test machine. Looking very good!

Pre-Release 0.1

This release is largely untested and does not include data loading. The JDBC and documentation are pretty primitive as well. Please try it and send feedback to the mailing list.

PostGIS 3.2.0beta1 Released

The PostGIS Team is pleased to release the first beta of the upcoming PostGIS 3.2.0 release.

Best served with PostgreSQL 14. This version of PostGIS utilizes the faster GiST building support API introduced in PostgreSQL 14. If compiled with recently released GEOS 3.10.0 you can take advantage of improvements in ST_MakeValid and numerous speed improvements. This release also includes many additional functions and improvements for postgis_raster and postgis_topology extensions.

Read more gdoc_arrow_right_alt

PostGIS Submitted for Compliance Testing

The popularity of PostGIS continues to grow every year! While there It has been two years and more since we first passed the compliance tests, but we have finally made the time to actually submit PostGIS for official Simple Features for SQL compliance testing by the Open Geospatial Consortium. Hopefully we will be able to proudly display a "compliant" badge in the near future.