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GeoTec 2002 Presentation

On April 9, 2002, Paul Ramsey gave a presentation at GeoTec2002 on open-source relational databases in a session on open-source GIS technologies. The presentation slides are available (PPT|PPT Japanese).

PostGIS 0.7.0 Released

Version 0.7.0 includes two major improvements over the last release: Support for PostgreSQL 7.2 Support for coordinate reprojection inside the database In addition there have been numerous bug fixes and minor improvements.

Mailing List and Archives

The [postgis-users] mailing list has been moved onto the main PostGIS site,along with the online list archives. Subscription information, archives, and searching are all available from the postgis-users page.

Reprojection Support

The CVS version currently is way ahead of the release version in feature richness. Apologies, but this is because features are being added for consulting projects and we do not have time to do a release and all the accompanying documentation etc. Reprojection is supported via the PROJ4 library. The SQL function name is transform(<geom>,<srid>). Now you have a reason to populate that SPATIAL_REF_SYS table like you've always wanted.
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About PostgreSQL 7.2B

PostgreSQL 7.2 is currently in beta, and people might be tempted to try to use it with PostGIS 0.6.2. Unfortunately, due to a change in the API hooks for the GiST index, PostGIS 0.6.2 will not work with PostgreSQL 7.2. When PostgreSQL 7.2 is officially released, work on converting PostGIS to support the new indexes will begin. We might drop support for the 7.1 series at that time.

PostGIS 0.6.2 Released

Version 0.6.2 is mostly a bug fix release with fixes for the Shape file loader. There is also a SQL file full of spatial reference definitions to load into the SPATIAL_REF_SYS table. Astute observers will note the addition of the postgis_chip.c file. This is the start of support for raster datatypes. There is no documentation on this because it is still in development and completely unstable. The basic idea is that large rasters can be subdivided into smaller chips for storage.
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New Web Site and Release 0.6.1

We have a new, hopefully more aesthetically pleasing, site design now! At a minimum, the multiple-page approach gives more space for adding information. Also, version 0.6.1 has been released, with improvements to the loader/dumper and some cygwin bug fixes.

Release 0.6.0

Yet more OGC specification functions, changes to internal format to support SRID, added SPATIAL_REF_SYS and GEOMETRY_COLUMNS metadata tables. Upgraded Mapserver support. source download