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PostGIS 0.8.2 Released

PostGIS 0.8.2 is an important maintainance release, including the following new features: PostgreSQL 7.5 Support PostgreSQL 7.5 Statistics Integration Optional Experimental Light-weight Geometry (LWGEOM) Faster queries Smaller databases Four dimensional geometry New functions The release also includes numerous small bug fixes, for different platforms and high load use cases.

PostGIS 0.8.0 Released!

We are very happy to announce the release of PostGIS 0.8.0, the first version of PostGIS that supports every function in the OpenGIS "Simple Features for SQL" specification document. The PostGIS 0.8.0 source code includes the OpenGIS SFSQL conformance test suite, so give it a try and see how we do! Version 0.8 includes such useful SFSQL functions as Within(), Disjoint(), Touches(), GeomUnion(), Intersection(), Buffer(), and many many more!
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GEOS 1.0 Released!

The first release of GEOS (geometry engine, open source) has been released at Using the GEOS library, it is possible for PostGIS to perform all the operations in the OpenGIS Simple Features for SQL Specification. That means that operations like Touches(), Contains(), Intersection(), Buffer(), Centroid(), Union() can all be supported. To try out PostGIS-with-GEOS, download the CVS snapshot of PostGIS and follow the directions in the README file carefully.
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Mapserver Users Meeting Presentations

David Blasby and Chris Hodgson, gave a presentation and workshop on using Mapserver and PostGIS to create web mapping sites which embed interesting analytical results not normally producable using flat file data. The talk materials are available online: a presentation, a workshop guide, and an example mapfile.

PostGIS Workshop at Mapserver Users Meeting

David Blasby and Chris Hodgson, primary developers of the PostGIS open source spatial database, will be giving a three-hour workshop at the Mapserver Users Meeting. The user meeting is taking place at the University of Minnesota in St. Paul, June 6-7, and the workshop will be focusing on the SQL and map-file syntax for displaying and querying data stored in PostGIS using Mapserver. For more info about the MUM, please visit https://mapserver.
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PostGIS 0.7.5 Released, PostGIS 0.8 Coming Soon

We have released a 0.7.5 version with all the latest bug fixes from the CVS, mostly concentrated in obscure cases in the shp2pgsql loader. The CVS version is now in flux pending the release of the 0.8 series, which will feature the first spatial predicates and operators, via a link to the GEOS spatial topology library. The 0.8 series will be out relatively soon, once bugs in the GEOS library have been removed and the new 0.
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PostGIS-Enabled Web Hosting Now Available

PgHoster has started offering PostGIS-enabled web hosting packages. For those of you who want the great taste of PostGIS without all the fun of compiling it yourself.

PostGIS 0.7.4 Released

PostGIS 0.7.4 has been released. This release is a maintenance release, including some important bug fixes to the shp2pgsql data loader and miscellaneous fixes and code scrubbing throughout the system. Version 7.3.X of PostgreSQL is now supported, although explicit support for "schemas" has not been added yet. The next release of PostGIS will include support for spatial predicates (Relate(), Contains(), Touches(), Disjoint(), etc), based on the GEOS library of spatial functions.
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