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PostGIS 1.1.4 Release

The 1.1.4 maintenance release of PostGIS is now available. This is a minor bugfix and compatibility release. The following changes have occurred: Fixed support for the upcoming PostgreSQL 8.2 release Fixed bug in collect() function discarding SRID of input Added SRID match check in MakeBox2d and MakeBox3d Fixed regress tests to pass with GEOS-3.0.0 Improved pgsql2shp run concurrency Java: Reworked JTS support to reflect new upstream JTS developers' attitude to SRID handling.
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PostGIS is OpenGIS Compliant!

It is finally official! After several years of unofficial “conformance” we recently took the plunge and submitted our PostGIS 1.1 compliance tests to the OpenGIS Consortium for testing. Last week we received the news that we are compliant. That means our web site can proudly display the OpenGIS button badge, and… well not much more than that. It is still the same database after all. But it is still nice to get some external validation.
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PostGIS @ FOSS4G 2006

The fourth annual world gathering of open source geospatial developers and users this year is FOSS4G in Lausanne, Switzerland from September 12-16. From the PostGIS development team, Paul Ramsey and Sandro Santilli (better known as "strk") will be in attendance and giving talks, we hope to see you there!

Case Study : US Davis Soil Lab

In the third entry of our collection of case studies, read about how the UC Davis Soils lab is using PostGIS to support their research and provide public access to soil survey data.


In the second entry of our collection of case studies, read about how GlobeXplorer is using PostGIS to serve millions of image and map requests every day.

North Dakota State Water Commission

In the first entry of our collection of case studies, read about how the North Dakota State Water Commission is using PostGIS to provide better services to the citizens of North Dakota. Do you want a cool case study about your PostGIS installation? Send an email to with 500-1000 words answering the questions: who are you? what was your problem? how has postgis helped solve your problem? how do you feel now?
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PostGIS by the Numbers

The popularity of PostGIS continues to grow every year! While there is no such thing as "sales figures" for an open source project, there are at least statistics about web site use, code downloads, and so on. Here are the current numbers! 1101 mailing list members 24117 hits per day on web site 3532 visits per day on web site 100 downloads per day of source code top search string references "
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PostGIS 1.1.3 Released

The 1.1.3 release includes numerous bug fixes and some new functionality. This release includes standard support for long transactions, which should be useful for a number of client applications. NEW Long Transactions support. Can run the regress tests with 'make check' now. New regress test support for loader/dumper. BUGFIX in pgsql2shp successful return code. BUGFIX in shp2pgsql handling of MultiLine WKT. BUGFIX in affine() failing to update bounding box. WKT parser: forbidden construction of multigeometries with EMPTY elements (still supported for GEOMETRYCOLLECTION).
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PostGIS in the "Summer of Code"

Refractions Research has joined the Google "Summer of Code" as a mentoring organization. That means we are hoping to get some great proposals from students looking to enhance PostGIS as a "Summer of Code" project. If you are a student, check out the ideas page for what we have already brain-stormed as potential projects. If you just have an idea for a Summer of Code project, raise it on the postgis-users mailing list.
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PostGIS 1.1.2 Released

The 1.1.2 release is a minor release consisting primarily of bug fixes and code cleanups. Regress tests can now be run *before* postgis intallation BUGFIX in SnapToGrid() computation of output bounding box More portable ./configure script Changed ./run_test script to have more sane default behaviour Fixed support for 64bit archs jdbc2 SRID handling fixes in JTS code New affine() matrix transformation functions New rotate{,X,Y,Z}() function Old translating and scaling functions now use affine() internally BUGFIX in EnforceRHR() Embedded access control in estimated_extent() for builds against pgsql = 8.
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