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PostGIS 1.4.0 Release

The 1.4.0 release of PostGIS is now available. This is a significant release including many performance enhancements, bug fixes, improved internal testing system, more detailed documentation. API Stability - new policies surrounding minor releases Support for PostgreSQL 8.4 New methods - ST_GeoHash, ST_LineCrossingDirection, ST_AsGeoJSON, ST_MinimumBoundingCircle to name a few Significant performance improvements for many spatial operations, including ST_Union, ST_Intersects, ST_Contains, and ST_Within Vastly improved documentation and reference manual Improved build system, library structure, debugging framework, unit testing More stable support for CIRCULARSTRING, COMPOUNDCURVE and CURVEPOLYGON Read more.
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PostGIS 1.3.6 Release

The 1.3.6 release of PostGIS is now available. This release includes several bug fixes and enhancements Improved PostgreSQL 8.4 compile support New .prj file support with pgsql2shp Documentation improvements Windows Vista memory bug fix Bug fixes with EWKB, shp2pgsql, pgsql2shp, and probe_geometry_columns

PostGIS 1.3.5 Release

The 1.3.5 release of PostGIS is now available. This release is a small bug fix release, including a critical fix for using PostGIS with Mapserver and LINE layers.

PostGIS 1.3.4 Release

The 1.3.4 release of PostGIS is now available. This release includes many bug fixes, and some useful feature enhancements. ST_AsGeoJSON() function PostgreSQL 8.4 support Performance improvements with GEOS 3.1 Memory leak fixes Documentation improvements More reliable handling of curve types Read more...

PostGIS 1.3.3 Release

The 1.3.3 release of PostGIS is now available. This release includes bug fixes and some minor feature enhancements. Improvements in the shp2pgsql/pgsql2shp utilities Better windows support DBF-only loading support Support for OS/X 10.5 Output for Date types in DBF New function ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology( geometry, float8) to simplify polygons without creating invalid geometry KML support updates (from Eduin Carillo) SVG support updates (from Marco Hugentobler)

PostGIS Improves Your Golf Game?

We recently heard from the folks at Savannah Harbor Golf Club & Spa about how they used PostGIS to help map and report on their course. Check out the story: here

History of PostGIS

There is a short history of PostGIS, from conception to current state, available now on the Refractions web site. Have a look!

PostgreSQL Online Journal

PostGIS has received a nice overview write-up in the PostgreSQL online journal. Money-quote: “There is perhaps nothing more powerful in the geospatial world than the succinct expressiveness of SQL married with spatial operators and functions.”

PostGIS 1.3.2 Release

The 1.3.2 release of PostGIS is now available. This release includes bug fixes and some minor feature enhancements. Improvements in the TIGER geocoder Fix to ST_EndPoint() crasher bug Modified ST_AsGML() improving v2 and adding v3 support Fix to ensure ST_Envelope() returns valid geometries Change JDBC build to use Ant Fix for better OS/X support Fix to WKB parser to do simple validity checks

PostGIS 1.3.1 Release

The 1.3.1 release of PostGIS is now available. This release introduces new functionality, as well as various performance enhancments. Began migration of functions to the SQL-MM naming convension; using the spatial type (SP) prefix. Created cached and indexd point-in-polygon short-circuits for the functions ST_Contains, ST_Intersects, ST_Within and ST_Disjoint. Added inline index support for relational functions. Extended curve geometry support to geometry accessor and some processing functions. Added Hibernate Dialect